A Stunning Collection of Poems – Words of Alchemy

January 21 2021

Deep gratitude to Kim Rigby for this beautiful, heartfelt, review of Words of Alchemy. Thank you for seeing me, Kim! xoxo

“Words of Alchemy is a stunning collection of poems that appears to have been sourced directly from the soul, from that higher self that is only accessed when we are at one with ourselves.

We are guided through sections on nature, healing, parenting, gratitude and more, allowing us a deeply personal glimpse into the author’s perspective on life. Her words resonate with kindness, compassion for others and the self, and how nature can speak to us, calming the soul and renewing the mind. It’s a timely reminder when so much of the world has been locked down.

What is alchemy after all, but to see with new eyes, to appreciate a magical change in the everyday? The author gives us permission to stop and do exactly that.” – Kim Rigby

Go here to learn more about the book …

Words of Alchemy

The Best Thing I’ve Done So Far in My Life – Interview With Camilla Downs

October 31 2020

I’m chatting with Chelle of Curled up with a good book about jobs I’ve had over the past 13 years, Fahrenheit 451, Arsenic & Old Lace, the best thing I’ve done so far in my life, my desired super power, Equal Justice Initiative, and what I would do with a million pounds! Check it out … xoxo …. Thank you, Chelle!! 👻🎃


An Aversion to Doing Anything the Typical Way – Camilla Interviewed by Jess Faraday

June 13 2020

I’m chatting with Jess about my weird aversion to doing anything the typical way, how my 10 year marriage ending led to my first book, and imposter syndrome. Join us…(photo mentioned in interview) ….

JF: Let’s start out with five fun facts about you. Go.

  1. I swear a lot!
  2. I love having solo dance parties.
  3. I’m finally cleaning photos from my iPhone. I had about 10,000!
  4. I haven’t had a television since 2008.
  5. I’m actually a very lazy person!

JF: Do you have a day job? If so, what is it? What other jobs have you held? Have they influenced your writing?

Before I became a mom, I was a …..  Follow the link to read further …

Meeting the Author: Camilla Downs

Inspiration for Words of Alchemy – An Interview with Kyrosmagica Publishing

April 12 2020

What a beautiful Easter gift to receive this morning! How did the title come about and how did it come to be that Thomas and Lillian are published authors too? Thank you Marje of Kyrosmagica Publishing for this incredibly thoughtful interview. xoxo

  • Where are you from and in which area of the world do you live now?

I have lived in Reno, Nevada, USA for the past 14 years, moving here from the Seattle, Washington area in 2006. I spent my first 18 years in Jackson, Mississippi and Houma, Louisiana.

  • Tell me about the inspiration/s for your new book “Words of Alchemy.”

About six years ago, I visited Fallen Leaf Lake in South Lake Tahoe, California. The beauty was quite overwhelming, bringing me to tears. As I drove home, I made several stops along Lake Tahoe, sitting to take it all in. While doing this, poetic words bubbled to the surface of my consciousness. This was the beginning of a six year journey of being inspired by nature with poetic words, then later, inspired by life events.

Here’s that first poem and a few photos from Fallen Leaf Lake and Lake Tahoe.

Earth Dance

As the sun’s rays dance upon you like stars twinkling in the night sky, so ……  Follow the link below to read further … 


Author Interview: Camilla Downs #Poet #Writer #WordsofAlchemy #Nature #Inspirational #Family

How I Describe My Writing Style – Camilla Interviewed by Clare Rhoden

April 6 2020

What 5 words best describe my writing style and what’s the scariest thing I’ve ever done? Thank you to Clare for this thoughtful interview on her book blog …

Delightful! Do you write for yourself or for a particular audience?

To date, I have always written for myself. Writing is how I process and experience life. The feedback received when sharing what I write is what encouraged me to pursue publishing the content.

What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done?

Making the decision fourteen years ago to leave my marriage, becoming a single parent to two children; 1 year old and 5 years old at the time. I had no idea how … Follow the link below to read further …”

Camilla Downs, soul writer, on giving and receiving

Authors Unite – Enter to Win a Book A Day for 30 Days

Would you like the chance to win a book a day for 30 days? Here it is!

(In the spirit of COVID-19 solidarity, we are not asking you to follow us on social media, sign up for a newsletter or share the contest details with friends in order to enter this contest.)

My latest book, Words of Alchemy, will be given away on May 2, 2020. If you’d like to enter to win, visit this link … https://authorsmstevens.com/30days/words-of-alchemy/

To see the full list of books, with descriptions, and to enter to win, go here … https://authorsmstevens.com/30days/

30 Days of Free Books — A COVID-19 Book Giveaway Contest: Authors unite to offer literary escape to housebound readers.

Twenty-three authors, many of them award winners and best sellers, have banded together to offer “30 Days of Free Books” — a month of giveaways to provide some free books to housebound readers during the coronavirus pandemic.

Whether you prefer fiction or non-fiction, poetry or prose, children’s books or Young Adult or Adult, memoir or historical fiction or mystery, print or ebook format, you’ll find something you like on this list.

COVID-19 Note: Many writers are offering the winners of their books a choice of print book or ebook. We encourage winners of print books to check the latest expert guidance on how long the virus lives on cardboard and paper before opening their package.

HOW TO ENTER: Click on the name of a book (here … https://authorsmstevens.com/30days/) for more details including a book description, book format (paperback or ebook) and the contest entry form. Enter for as many books as you like. On the date noted, a winner will be chosen to receive that day’s book. Winners will be notified by email. Open to U.S. residents only.

Happy reading, and stay safe.

Oh Where, Oh Where Did the Proof Book Go and Hidden Messages While Singing M I Crooked Letter

January 21 2020

There once was a proof book titled, Words of Alchemy. It had its photo taken, it traveled in the author’s bag here and there, proudly shown to all who had been following the journey of the book’s creation.

One day, the author copies of the book arrived. The proof book was pushed to the side in the author’s joy to get the books signed and mailed. Now the proof book cannot be found.

The author has looked everywhere. It very well could be buried underneath something as the author is unpacking from a move. However, she may have mailed the proof book to someone by accident! 😳 Please let her know if you received the proof book so she can get you a proper copy. She’s such a goofball sometimes! 😂🙃

January 26 2020

Received another shipment of books on Thursday and headed to the post office to mail more. Let me know if you’d like one coming your way. Each is personalized with a note to the reader along with a creative message hidden within the book. xoxo

January 30 2020

Headed to the post office tomorrow to mail a book to M, I, crooked letter, crooked letter, I, crooked letter, crooked letter, I, humpback, humpback, I …. Always feel like a kid when I do that, as it’s said in a sing song way! HA! xoxo

Unfulfilled Longing by Camilla Downs

December 14 2019:

This was written over 2 months ago, on September 28 2019. If you follow me and my writings, you’ll know I have been incredibly busy these past few months with this nightmarish move, finishing my book, Words of Alchemy, maintaining MeetingtheAuthors.com, and parenting.

It has taken a while to come back around to this and publish it. The above being one reason. Another reason is that I needed to allow space. The event that brought forth this one, brought with it strong and deep emotions. I am well past it at this point, having allowed myself to sit with it and feel it. May it be meaningful to you or someone you know.

Unfulfilled Longing

As a young child,
as a young teenager,
she daydreamed of
having, of being surrounded
by loving, supportive parents.

She spent as ….

Poetry: Unfulfilled Longing

Words of Alchemy – Kindle Version with Chromosome 18 Registry Information Page

October 27 2019:

Just emailed the proofed manuscript back to the book designer. A few grammar errors, along with a few apostrophes removed or added, with a dash or two removed or added. Now, circling back around to the back cover; which I think is in its final state so that the cover can be loaded to Amazon. I like to include a page at the end of our books with information about The Chromosome 18 Registry & Research Society. Nearly there!!

October 29 2019:

Back cover is finished! Just need to decide on which photo of me to use. Would you mind helping? I’ve not had professional photos taken since 2012, so will be using what I’ve got!

I’m attaching the back cover with the photo that Kate used as a place holder (yet, I like the one she chose) along with other photos to choose from .. Comment with “yes” or simply “like” the photo to let me know your choice. Thanks for your input! Deeply appreciate it! 💜💜💜