Perseverance, Problem Solving and Spaghetti – Camilla on Bill Arnott’s Showcase

I’m chatting with Bill Arnott on his Author Showcase about perseverance, problem solving, role models, speaking out about what offends your heart, albums, movies, spaghetti and kayaks! Join us …

Q. What do you feel you’re best known for, Camilla?

A. It’s funny you have asked this question as I have just recently asked friends and connections what they have noticed about me and about how I solve problems. So …. I’m best known for my perseverance and being a problem solver who is able to see the situation from different angles, beyond mainstream thinking. As well as my writings, books, and nature photography, living from my heart and making intuitive decisions, being grounded by nature, and having a calming presence.

Q. (Which shines through in your positive writing.) What do you feel brought you here?

A. You and I have been playing a game of ping pong! We met in an online Facebook group for authors and bloggers. I interviewed you on my website of, you read and reviewed my book, and now I’m answering these fun questions for your Showcase! And, I’m reading Gone Viking right now and really enjoying it!

Q. (We have been dancing around in similar circles! And thanks.) Who do you consider a role model?

A. I think I’m in between role models at the moment. There are several people I admire, and am inspired by how they do business and live their lives. I have had role models in the past who inspired me, too. Perhaps it’s because I’ve pressed the “pause” button of my life, but I’m not able to name a person at the moment.

Q. (I understand; people in those roles “appear” at different times.) What’s your advice to others?

A. Live your life as you see fit, with a solid foundation of loving kindness. Speak up and speak out about what offends your heart, and try not to be concerned with what others think of you.

Q. (Oh, I like that a lot.) And what are your currently working on?

A. Currently I’m trying to take it somewhat easy. I’m just on the other side of a years long emotional and mental healing journey, while also being a single parent to two kids. I decided at the end of 2019 that 2020 would be a year of rest, relaxation, and of pressing the reset button.

I do plan on writing more books, I’m just not sure yet what they will look like. I’m beginning to think about goals for myself moving forward, and am participating in a challenge to get started with how I’d like to be of service to others with my skills and knowledge.

Q. (That sounds wonderful.) Tell us, please, what are your favourite: album, movie, and food dish?

A. Album: I seriously cannot choose a favorite album. I’m one of those people who likes to listen to music on shuffle, just to be surprised. I love 70’s and 80’s disco and rock n’ roll. Yet, I also love 50’s and 60’s rock n’ roll. On the flip side, I enjoy hard rock and some heavy metal! It absolutely depends on my mood.

Movie: It may be easier for me to name my least favorite movies! I don’t like horror/scary movies or movies with tons of violence (unless it’s based on a true story or event from history). My favorite movies are ones that inspire me, make me laugh, teach me something, or expand my awareness.

Food Dish: Spaghetti with a lovely side salad and a chunk of ciabatta bread (Now, if you ask me this next week, you may receive a completely different answer!)

Q. (Ah, a diner after my own heart!) And now for our Quirky Question. Make a choice: kayak or canoe?

A. I’m going with a kayak as I’ve been in a two person kayak exactly one time, and that was only recently! I can’t recall that I’ve ever been in a canoe.

Q. (I think of canoes more often than not as Canadiana.) Thanks Camilla, this has been fun. And I wish you continued success with your writing and Meeting the Authors.

A. Thank you so much for inviting me to be a part of your Showcase, Bill! I had a great time!

Click the image below to see the interview on Bill’s website …

Southern Girl Relocated to the Wild West – James Interviews Camilla

November 29 2020

New interview! Thanks to James of JQM Literary for this lovely interview. We chat about what has influenced our four published books and being a southern girl relocated to the wild west. Join us … Photo of Team TLC, Halloween 2020 …


An Aversion to Doing Anything the Typical Way – Camilla Interviewed by Jess Faraday

June 13 2020

I’m chatting with Jess about my weird aversion to doing anything the typical way, how my 10 year marriage ending led to my first book, and imposter syndrome. Join us…(photo mentioned in interview) ….

JF: Let’s start out with five fun facts about you. Go.

  1. I swear a lot!
  2. I love having solo dance parties.
  3. I’m finally cleaning photos from my iPhone. I had about 10,000!
  4. I haven’t had a television since 2008.
  5. I’m actually a very lazy person!

JF: Do you have a day job? If so, what is it? What other jobs have you held? Have they influenced your writing?

Before I became a mom, I was a …..  Follow the link to read further …

Meeting the Author: Camilla Downs

Writing Rituals and Fictional Characters – Interview on The Magic of Wor(l)ds

June 6 2020

Thank you to the lovely Stefanie in Flanders, Belgium for having me on her magical book blog.

We’re chatting about which non-fiction writers and fictional characters I’d love to invite for coffee, writing rituals, and whether people in my life should be worried about making an appearance in future books … (Belgium Image by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay)


Openly Sharing Personal Experiences – Camilla on Mai’s Musings Book Blog

May 2 2020

Why do I openly share personal issues and what happened in the beginning of 2020 for me? Thanks to the lovely Mai for having me on her book blog, Mai’s Musings.

” ….. Thank you Mai, for having me as a guest on your lovely blog. I deeply appreciate your time and effort.

My latest book, Words of Alchemy, is a culmination of a six year journey. A journey of turning into my writing, of a solid walking practice, a journey of going within, a journey of travelling to the past, a journey of living, and of healing.

Six years ago I wrote my first free-verse poem. This continued through to the publication of Words of Alchemy. I’m currently taking a break from writing, a break from the intensity of the past thirteen years. I reached the tipping point of my healing journey in the beginning of 2020. On the other side of it now, I can look back and see that it was one hell of a ride. Thirteen years of going within, excavating, confronting, feeling, feeling, feeling, and getting to know myself.

I share this to convey how much writing was a vital component of ….. ” Follow the link to read the full interview …

Words of Alchemy – Camilla Downs

Poetry That Delves Into the Heart – Words of Alchemy Review

May 8 2020

A heart warming gift received this afternoon. Thank you, Marje of Kyrosmagica Publishing!!

“What a joy it is to read this gem of a poetry book. Full of beautiful free-verse, a memoir about friends, family, relationships and the love of the nature. This is for you if you enjoy the natural world, (as I do,) if you appreciate poetry that delves into the heart and doesn’t hold back. In many ways it is an intimate and brave expression of the author – Camilla Downs’s – thoughts and feelings.

I highly recommend.

5 stars.” … Go here to read the full review …

Book Review: Words of Alchemy by Camilla Downs #FreeVerse #Poetry #Nature #Family #Relationships #Love

Words of Alchemy – A Celebration of Family and Adaption

April 22 2020:

“Words of Alchemy is warm and personal, like being invited to sit on the author’s couch and listen to her talk to family and friends. Intimate and loving, these poems are a celebration of family, of friends, of life, of nature, and of adaptation.”  – Amazon Customer

Inspiration for Words of Alchemy – An Interview with Kyrosmagica Publishing

April 12 2020

What a beautiful Easter gift to receive this morning! How did the title come about and how did it come to be that Thomas and Lillian are published authors too? Thank you Marje of Kyrosmagica Publishing for this incredibly thoughtful interview. xoxo

  • Where are you from and in which area of the world do you live now?

I have lived in Reno, Nevada, USA for the past 14 years, moving here from the Seattle, Washington area in 2006. I spent my first 18 years in Jackson, Mississippi and Houma, Louisiana.

  • Tell me about the inspiration/s for your new book “Words of Alchemy.”

About six years ago, I visited Fallen Leaf Lake in South Lake Tahoe, California. The beauty was quite overwhelming, bringing me to tears. As I drove home, I made several stops along Lake Tahoe, sitting to take it all in. While doing this, poetic words bubbled to the surface of my consciousness. This was the beginning of a six year journey of being inspired by nature with poetic words, then later, inspired by life events.

Here’s that first poem and a few photos from Fallen Leaf Lake and Lake Tahoe.

Earth Dance

As the sun’s rays dance upon you like stars twinkling in the night sky, so ……  Follow the link below to read further … 


Author Interview: Camilla Downs #Poet #Writer #WordsofAlchemy #Nature #Inspirational #Family

How I Describe My Writing Style – Camilla Interviewed by Clare Rhoden

April 6 2020

What 5 words best describe my writing style and what’s the scariest thing I’ve ever done? Thank you to Clare for this thoughtful interview on her book blog …

Delightful! Do you write for yourself or for a particular audience?

To date, I have always written for myself. Writing is how I process and experience life. The feedback received when sharing what I write is what encouraged me to pursue publishing the content.

What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done?

Making the decision fourteen years ago to leave my marriage, becoming a single parent to two children; 1 year old and 5 years old at the time. I had no idea how … Follow the link below to read further …”

Camilla Downs, soul writer, on giving and receiving

Eight Years in the Making Along with Creating Mini Poems

February 22 2020

8 years in the making …. Team TLC – Thomas, Lillian, Camilla … 3 family members …. 4 published books …. There are more to come. However, I need to take this year to press the reset button, for my physical health and for the emotional health of Thomas and Lillian. We’ve drifted from the Team in our Team TLC; which I know will happen as they get older. Yet, I’ve let vital areas slip by the wayside over the past 4 or 5 years, especially this last year.

One major struggle is about to end for us. Once that gift is showered upon us, the rebuilding of Team TLC begins. Of course it will look and feel different than when Thomas and Lillian were younger, and that’s the beauty of it, tempered with the longing of the way it used to be.

I get the feeling the next book will be authored by all three of us. We shall see. I never really know until I become focused on the book’s creation. xoxo

There were days
She could see no reason to continue

There were days
Shrouded in darkness and despair

There were days
Bubbling with joy and love

There were days
She knew the reason to continue

These were the days
The 18,250 days of riding the wheels of her life.

April 10 2020:

Creating more mini poems and messages to hide in Words of Alchemy. Tedious Yet, there’s nothing like the feeling when phrases come together for a perfect fit. 🖤