Camilla on the Bill Arnott Spotlight – Speaking Up

June 12 2021

Many months ago I had the pleasure of being a guest of author Bill Arnott on his Spotlight feature. Join us to find out how seeing situations from different angles, ping pong, role models, loving kindness, pressing the reset button, spaghetti, and a kayak come together for this fun spotlight …

Speak Up and Speak Out – Camilla on the Bill Arnott Spotlight

Perseverance, Problem Solving and Spaghetti – Camilla on Bill Arnott’s Showcase

I’m chatting with Bill Arnott on his Author Showcase about perseverance, problem solving, role models, speaking out about what offends your heart, albums, movies, spaghetti and kayaks! Join us …

Q. What do you feel you’re best known for, Camilla?

A. It’s funny you have asked this question as I have just recently asked friends and connections what they have noticed about me and about how I solve problems. So …. I’m best known for my perseverance and being a problem solver who is able to see the situation from different angles, beyond mainstream thinking. As well as my writings, books, and nature photography, living from my heart and making intuitive decisions, being grounded by nature, and having a calming presence.

Q. (Which shines through in your positive writing.) What do you feel brought you here?

A. You and I have been playing a game of ping pong! We met in an online Facebook group for authors and bloggers. I interviewed you on my website of, you read and reviewed my book, and now I’m answering these fun questions for your Showcase! And, I’m reading Gone Viking right now and really enjoying it!

Q. (We have been dancing around in similar circles! And thanks.) Who do you consider a role model?

A. I think I’m in between role models at the moment. There are several people I admire, and am inspired by how they do business and live their lives. I have had role models in the past who inspired me, too. Perhaps it’s because I’ve pressed the “pause” button of my life, but I’m not able to name a person at the moment.

Q. (I understand; people in those roles “appear” at different times.) What’s your advice to others?

A. Live your life as you see fit, with a solid foundation of loving kindness. Speak up and speak out about what offends your heart, and try not to be concerned with what others think of you.

Q. (Oh, I like that a lot.) And what are your currently working on?

A. Currently I’m trying to take it somewhat easy. I’m just on the other side of a years long emotional and mental healing journey, while also being a single parent to two kids. I decided at the end of 2019 that 2020 would be a year of rest, relaxation, and of pressing the reset button.

I do plan on writing more books, I’m just not sure yet what they will look like. I’m beginning to think about goals for myself moving forward, and am participating in a challenge to get started with how I’d like to be of service to others with my skills and knowledge.

Q. (That sounds wonderful.) Tell us, please, what are your favourite: album, movie, and food dish?

A. Album: I seriously cannot choose a favorite album. I’m one of those people who likes to listen to music on shuffle, just to be surprised. I love 70’s and 80’s disco and rock n’ roll. Yet, I also love 50’s and 60’s rock n’ roll. On the flip side, I enjoy hard rock and some heavy metal! It absolutely depends on my mood.

Movie: It may be easier for me to name my least favorite movies! I don’t like horror/scary movies or movies with tons of violence (unless it’s based on a true story or event from history). My favorite movies are ones that inspire me, make me laugh, teach me something, or expand my awareness.

Food Dish: Spaghetti with a lovely side salad and a chunk of ciabatta bread (Now, if you ask me this next week, you may receive a completely different answer!)

Q. (Ah, a diner after my own heart!) And now for our Quirky Question. Make a choice: kayak or canoe?

A. I’m going with a kayak as I’ve been in a two person kayak exactly one time, and that was only recently! I can’t recall that I’ve ever been in a canoe.

Q. (I think of canoes more often than not as Canadiana.) Thanks Camilla, this has been fun. And I wish you continued success with your writing and Meeting the Authors.

A. Thank you so much for inviting me to be a part of your Showcase, Bill! I had a great time!

Click the image below to see the interview on Bill’s website …

The Best Thing I’ve Done So Far in My Life – Interview With Camilla Downs

October 31 2020

I’m chatting with Chelle of Curled up with a good book about jobs I’ve had over the past 13 years, Fahrenheit 451, Arsenic & Old Lace, the best thing I’ve done so far in my life, my desired super power, Equal Justice Initiative, and what I would do with a million pounds! Check it out … xoxo …. Thank you, Chelle!! 👻🎃