Chili with No Television and Chickens While Being Inspired


October 2 2014:

Spending the day with the middle schoolers in Davis Peak today! Social studies this morning and gardening this afternoon … COOL! Shared with the students we haven’t had television since 2008. One asks, “How do you survive?” My response, “Look at me. Do I look deprived and sad or do I look happy and joyful?” Another asked if my kids missed it. No, they don’t. We read together, talk, go for walks and we do use our computers also … and have movie night every weekend with the MacBook and the laptop. I love getting to share different perspectives with these awesome young people!


And then I came home for lunch and had this yumminess! Spicy vegetarian 2 bean chili with a scoop of creme fraiche. So good that I had 2 servings! YAY me!

This afternoon was gardening with some of the middle schoolers at HDMS. I had a 15-20 minute conversation with the young man who is in charge of the chickens. He’s been raising chickens since he was 2 and has about 50 of them currently! The culinary class uses the eggs .. so cool! I was so impressed I’m interviewing him on my blog. Stay tuned for an informative post about vegetarian fed, caged, how sunlight affects the chicken and eggs and much more! The girls in the class are building a green house! They’re almost done!


October 2 2013:

She stood alone listening to the woman with the microphone talk of how she was diagnosed with breast cancer, went through chemo, lost her hair, had a mastectomy, and reconstructive breast surgery. She had just finished telling me she’s going in for her 5th round of chemo tomorrow as her tumors had returned … all with a smile. A vibrant woman, living in the moment so as not to add stress to her system, eating healthy, listening to her body. A woman doing wonderful things and educating so many.

I wanted to go put my arm around her and another beautiful soul was thinking the same thing. When the amazing woman was done speaking, tears were streaming down this woman’s face who no longer stood alone. I grabbed a napkin and gave it to her … I wanted to let her know I was there with love and kindness …. My eyes are sweating like crazy now …

Thinking of this, reading about my friend Alisha’s hardships with her beautiful daughters complex medical issues and the medical bills, and how little Phoebe (Praying for Phoebe Fair) is now sleeping 95% of the time and not doing good at all. I am flooded with two opposite emotions …. Being so very grateful for so many things and having my heart ache for my friends … I’m flooding myself with LOVE and sending to these friends and anyone else who needs it … Whew! Where’s the tissue box? xoxoxo

October 2 2011:

Just attended the MOST interesting party! A Fairy/Halloween combo party complete with a parade, a home made Halloween movie, home made Yoga and dancing which included the awesome Hokey Pokey!!! WooooHooooo!!! Now that’s a Team TLC adventure!


October 2 2009:

Check this out! Was in the Apple store buying Lillian’s iPhone, telling the young dude helpin me out, that I was installing the AAC App on it for Lillian & this would be her phone. He says, “You know the guy who created that app lives here, up at the Lake?” Uh, HOLY COW! Said he’d been in their store a few times showing them the app before it was realeased. I will be treating this awesome person to coffee or lunch as soon as I can connect with him. Another sign? I think so!


What Has Inspired You Lately


February 21 2014:

Last weekend I was inspired by a slice of bread! So inspired that I wrote about it! Yes, I know, sounds silly! Nevertheless ….

“Like an acorn that discards it’s outer shell to reveal the oak tree within, I choose to release those old layers and discard them. Even if it takes …. ”

Mindful Living: Inspired By A Slice of Bread