Throwback Post: Subbing With Dishes While Going Back to School and Playing in the Water


August 27 2015:

Got to sub for the Creative Writing class again yesterday. We talked a little about judgments and then wrote about something beautiful and something ugly and what makes it so. Melt my heart to pieces with some of what they shared. One in particular, “Beauty in people is something you feel when around another person and not how a person looks.” I left a love note for Ms. Robin in her zen garden.


August 27 2014:

My favorite part of “Back to School” night for Lower El (Thomas) was the mini nutrition education to the parents from another parent who is a nutrition/fitness expert! I listed that I wanted to come in and share with students how to read labels and ingredients on food items. What to avoid and what is okay, etc .. Favorite quotes from her, “Natural doesn’t mean anything. There is no 3rd party agency regulating the word natural on packaging.” And “It’s not do as I say not as I do. We have to show the kids by example when it comes to eating good nutrient dense foods.” I LOVE that lady!! YAY!! YAY!!! YAY!!!


August 27 2013:

Remember the dishes I unpacked during my purging this summer? One of the coffee cups decided this morning that it was done being a coffee cup. Jumped right out of my hand onto the tile floor! Decorated the stove, floor, my dress and dishwasher with pretty brown coffee …. and broke into many pieces! I’m still so HappY I unpacked them and use them every day …. think of my Mammaw Downs every time I hold one of the dishes. She gave me this set when I was about 17 years old.

Eye sweating moment for Team Member C … I stayed in the car while Thomas went inside Lillian’s therapy center to use the restroom. A beautiful young lady using a walker was headed in behind him. He stopped and held the door for her! YAY Thomas! He inspires me so much! Now he’s outside picking up trash off the street and sidewalk!


August 27 2012:

“Doing fractions” … This was Thomas’ answer last week when I asked him Thursday what his favorite part of the day at school was … Hmmmm … Okay Mr. T … Rock ON!!


One batch of almond raisin cookies DONE … Now Team TLC is going for a walk … Yum and it feels so good outside!!! (gluten free if anyone wants the recipe)


August 27 2011:

Fun event for Lillian’s new school – Nevada Connections Academy – just met the Principal!

Thomas is enjoying the food! Bowling next!! National Bowling Stadium


August 27 2010:

WooHoo!!!! Thomas loves playin in the water plus there’s shade for ME! YeeHaw!

Chili with No Television and Chickens While Being Inspired


October 2 2014:

Spending the day with the middle schoolers in Davis Peak today! Social studies this morning and gardening this afternoon … COOL! Shared with the students we haven’t had television since 2008. One asks, “How do you survive?” My response, “Look at me. Do I look deprived and sad or do I look happy and joyful?” Another asked if my kids missed it. No, they don’t. We read together, talk, go for walks and we do use our computers also … and have movie night every weekend with the MacBook and the laptop. I love getting to share different perspectives with these awesome young people!


And then I came home for lunch and had this yumminess! Spicy vegetarian 2 bean chili with a scoop of creme fraiche. So good that I had 2 servings! YAY me!

This afternoon was gardening with some of the middle schoolers at HDMS. I had a 15-20 minute conversation with the young man who is in charge of the chickens. He’s been raising chickens since he was 2 and has about 50 of them currently! The culinary class uses the eggs .. so cool! I was so impressed I’m interviewing him on my blog. Stay tuned for an informative post about vegetarian fed, caged, how sunlight affects the chicken and eggs and much more! The girls in the class are building a green house! They’re almost done!


October 2 2013:

She stood alone listening to the woman with the microphone talk of how she was diagnosed with breast cancer, went through chemo, lost her hair, had a mastectomy, and reconstructive breast surgery. She had just finished telling me she’s going in for her 5th round of chemo tomorrow as her tumors had returned … all with a smile. A vibrant woman, living in the moment so as not to add stress to her system, eating healthy, listening to her body. A woman doing wonderful things and educating so many.

I wanted to go put my arm around her and another beautiful soul was thinking the same thing. When the amazing woman was done speaking, tears were streaming down this woman’s face who no longer stood alone. I grabbed a napkin and gave it to her … I wanted to let her know I was there with love and kindness …. My eyes are sweating like crazy now …

Thinking of this, reading about my friend Alisha’s hardships with her beautiful daughters complex medical issues and the medical bills, and how little Phoebe (Praying for Phoebe Fair) is now sleeping 95% of the time and not doing good at all. I am flooded with two opposite emotions …. Being so very grateful for so many things and having my heart ache for my friends … I’m flooding myself with LOVE and sending to these friends and anyone else who needs it … Whew! Where’s the tissue box? xoxoxo

October 2 2011:

Just attended the MOST interesting party! A Fairy/Halloween combo party complete with a parade, a home made Halloween movie, home made Yoga and dancing which included the awesome Hokey Pokey!!! WooooHooooo!!! Now that’s a Team TLC adventure!


October 2 2009:

Check this out! Was in the Apple store buying Lillian’s iPhone, telling the young dude helpin me out, that I was installing the AAC App on it for Lillian & this would be her phone. He says, “You know the guy who created that app lives here, up at the Lake?” Uh, HOLY COW! Said he’d been in their store a few times showing them the app before it was realeased. I will be treating this awesome person to coffee or lunch as soon as I can connect with him. Another sign? I think so!


Throwback Post: Chalkboard Message While Swimming and Winning an Award


September 28 2015:

I get to sub in Sierra today. Found a cool book on display and I left my mark on the column that’s painted with chalkboard paint.


September 28 2012:

This was the end of our 2nd month of swim lessons … May 23 2012 …. Thanks Grandpa Frank!! Last night, 9.27.12 was the last swim lesson til next summer!!! On to Different Adventures for Team Member T & L!

Me and Ms Kimberly at the Plum100 Event!!! What FUN!!

I won!!!! Thank you tons all y’all for all the love and support and encouragement!!!

I won … Most Influential in the Extraordinary Neighbor category!!!! Thank you tons all y’all for all the love and support and encouragement!!!

Throwback Post: Substitute With an Adventure in a Family Membership


October 14 2014:

HDMS is keeping me busy this week subbing y’all! Full day Monday, today, tomorrow and half day on Friday. We shall see what happens with Thursday! Whew! Overflowing with gratitude … Thank you, Thank you, Thank you …. xoxo


October 14 2012:

Adventure time ….

Got a call Thursday that Team TLC was being offered a grant for a one year family membership …. We are extremely grateful and blessed …

Throwback Post: Silly Girls


I sure had some fun moments during my 3 years of subbing.

October 23 2015:

My romantic life is now secure. Three of the 5th grade girls in Ruby informed me today that they are going to set me up on some blind dates. I asked who they have in mind and they began pointing out classmates. I said, “Um, it will need to be someone for which the date would not conclude with me being jailed. So perhaps someone nearer to my age.” Silly girls! I do have fun and interesting conversations whenever I sub. Now for fall break! YAY!!!

Throwback Post: Substitute With Gratitude and Fresh Air


November 14 2014:

Subbed in Star Peak today with some awesome 7th-9th graders! I love the little messages I find on the walls and in the classrooms! Plus, I got to play volleyball! Used to love playing that!


November 14 2013:

Today I am blessed by the kindness of another … I will be attending Dr. Temple Grandin’s lecture tonight at The Atlantis! Thank you sweet Terri Craig!! I will absolutely pay it forward when the opportunity presents itself and will spread lots of smiles and hugs tonight!! xoxo


November 14 2012:

Thomas’ gratitude for today:

I’m thankful and grateful for Grandma Patty and Grandpa Frank (The Romano Duo).

Lillian’s gratitude for today:

I’m thankful that it is warming up today.

‘Home Means Nevada’ … I’m grateful for this beautiful city and state that Team TLC has made our home since December 2006. I am in love with everything about this place … Reno, Nevada … The landscape, the weather, the air, the people, the beauty I see each and every time I step outside … the amazing cloud formations, every bend and curve of the hills and mountains, the sounds of nature, the warmth of the sun, the breathtaking views … The soul infusing Lake Tahoe at our doorstep, stepping back into yesteryear in Virginia City, the beautiful drive between Reno and Carson City, peaceful and serene views from every corner of this gorgeous place …


November 14 2011:

Today I am thankful for my Chromosome 18 Registry family. We all have a “chromosome” that links us. From Australia to England to Spain to the United States we listen, support and encourage one another . . . and it is amazing . . .


Fresh air time for Team TLC!! A little windy but much needed!

Origami adventures! Made a pinwheel!

Throwback Post: We Are All Made of Stars While Mailing Books and Having Fun


December 12 2014:

“We are all made of stars” … I get to sub in Starpeak today at HDMS with some very creative middle school people. I like this room and the great quotes on the walls!


December 12 2013:

Lots of releasing and healing while I’m creating the blog post asking for your help with a miracle. I’m creating the video to accompany it today. I plan to post everything sometime tomorrow. As I’m doing this, the past 3 mornings Thomas has spent his extra morning time cleaning and purging in his room … without me asking. That little person inspires me so much my heart overflows with love … Sending some out to y’all this morning! xoxo


December 12 2012:

It’s an AWESOME day to mail a book to Tasmania, Australia and Canada!! Here comes your book Susie and Lori!!!


December 12 2011:

Team TLC Monday outing … Thomas chose this … YUM!!!

Ended up here … Only for 10 minutes though. It’s COLD!! Brrrrr!!! – Damonte Ranch Park


December 12 2009:

Lunch stop! Out trying to get snow boots for us. Everyones all sold out or bout sold out. Ours are in storage and I’ve no idea where in the storage unit.


December 12 2008:

Latest entry on Pink Elephant Books blog!

Thank You Charlie Pabst

Throwback Post: Multicultural Night While Subbing With Good Food


December 18 2014:

Great multicultural event last night at HDMS. Thomas did an awesome job performing a traditional Australian song along with his classmates. Lillian has been sick but she didn’t want to miss out.

More classroom wisdom … Subbing again in Boundary Peak today. Little did I know that the road to becoming a substitute teacher would be beneficial to not only supporting my little family but also a gift for Lillian’s transition to middle school.

My IEP friends will understand … I know all the middle school teachers, they know me, I know the students, they know me, they know in advance that Lillian is a special young lady. I know which teacher will be the perfect fit with Lillian. What a blessing for this to all line up! Grateful, grateful, grateful!

Not only am I grateful beyond words for being needed as a sub every day this week at HDMS, but I’ve gotten food every day this week. Social studies students had presentations all this week about their heritage; which included bringing food made from family recipes! I’ve had fried chicken, apple pie, meatballs, fettuccine, rice, fudge, sour cream donuts, sushi, tamales, pumpkin pie, and other stuff! Good golly! And, it keeps coming!

Gluten free fried chicken nuggets were a hit tonight. Lillian says, “I’m getting tired of chicken.” Frankly, I was too. So, how ’bout this? Yep! She loved it. Thomas went back 3 times for more. Yum!


December 18 2013:

Look who stopped in for a tour today!

My heart is simply bursting with gratitude, love and confidence. It’s only been 5 days since I wrote and shared the Christmas Miracle blog post. My little family is surrounded and drenched in love and kindness. The kindness of others is soaking into every cell of my body and all throughout the infinity of my soul. I shall pay your kindness forward one day in the not so distant future.

“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” -Audrey Hepburn

Tonight at HDMS’ Multicultural night a beautiful, kind friend gave me an envelope. She said you’ll have to read my facebook post when you get home to see the story that goes with what’s inside that envelope.

Here’s that post … “A Christmas Angel revealed. In this world with so many negative things being blasted out on the news let me tell you about the kindness of strangers. Yesterday I read a post from a friend in need, and i decided to give her a small cash gift when i saw her next. So with this thought tucked in to my heart i went home to meet a plumber who was called to my condo to unclog a backed up toilet.

Lucky for me it wasn’t serious and the plumber was done in 15 minutes. He was very friendly and kind and tho I appreciated the service I knew his minimum charge was probably going to be close to $90…I was close it was $85…but as I prepared to write the check he said….you are such a nice lady…i am only going to charge you $65!

My eyes danced and i thanked him. I said…” I want you to know that I will pay this kindness forward, and the money you saved me will go to a most deserving lady and her kids! Thank you so!” and then I hugged him…the plumber was shy and self conscience as he was dirty. But I didn’t care I was so happy….then the plumber reached into his pocket and gave me $20, he said..”please give this to your friend as well.” I said, “no really you’ve done enough really”. But he insisted.

So tonight I have double the cash to give to my friend…what”s more I have the sweet gift of the kindness of a stranger. For me to give was simple…I am vested in my friend and her families well being…but the plumber well…an angel if I’ve ever met one. Thank you “Sam” from AM PM Discount Drains and Plumbing may God bless your path as you have blessed mine…”

If anyone knows Sam the Plumber please express my overflowing gratitude to him. This has touched my heart dearly. Another eye sweating moment. Thank you for your love, kindness and support Corinne G Dunn … YOU are amazing at being YOU!! xoxo


Tonight was the big night! Thomas got to show off his multicultural project about Peru. He enjoyed and had so much fun putting this together … and now I know how to make a diorama too!


December 18 2011:

Birthday party adventures for Thomas! Happy Birthday to his classmate Emma! Having Fun!


December 18 2010:

Now that’s a festive Christmas drink – Apple Martini at The Romano Casa (Frank C. Romano Jr).

Throwback Post: Mindful Substitute Teaching with Homemade Salsa


August 17 2015:

I get to sub in Stillwater again today. Love that I can throw my little book of mindfulness exercises in my bag on the way out this morning and get to use them during circle this morning!


August 17 2012:

Yummilicious home made salsa with lunch!!! Thanks for the fresh tomatoes Kimberly … And doesn’t everyone have rocks on their kitchen table?

Throwback Post: Creative Writing While Walking with a Plum and Crawfish


August 20 2015:

Finished!!!! 3,504 words. Plus, I’m off to sub for the creative writing class this afternoon. Guess what they get to do? They get to read and critique the article AND help me with a title! Wahooo!!

What FUN subbing for the creative writing class this afternoon. Got some amazing feedback from them for the article I’m about to submit. I xoxoxo this school!


August 20 2012:

Out for a refreshing walk all by myself … Cause I CAN!!!!


Just booked my photo shoot for Plum100 … This is gonna be fun y’all! Thanks again to whoever nominated me for the EXTRAordinary category!!

Via Ashley Graham: “On September 6th, Plum Influence Magazine will release the photos of the Plum100 yet the most influential person within each 10 categories won’t be announced until the evening of the 29th. The Plum100 is an event powered by a movement to re-brand Reno both internally and externally in a way that brings out the true nature of this region. The Plum100 celebration theme is an Eve of a New Era. A new era of how people perceive the area and by bringing our best and brightest (you) together in one great celebration.”…/…/june_pluminfluence_magazine


August 20 2011:

I found me a crawfish boil!!! Crawfish boil adventures!!!