August 12 2019:
Got to see the new place this afternoon .. styling with the orange vest and hard hat!! Less than a month now … We will lose a few great aspects of this place and community; yet, will gain great aspects that this one does not have. 🎉🎉🎉
August 13 2019:
Making my way through the “to do” list for this month and September. With Lillian turning 18 in September and our move in September, there’s much that needs addressed.
After two days spent educating myself about the qualifying aspects of SSI, I think I can check that one off the list. What a relief and weight off my shoulders for that one!
Now to address a call today that due to an agency losing paperwork that I followed instructions for submitting, and for which Lillian has received services for 2 months; they have decided she has to get on a wait list since they lost the paperwork the first time around. Tomorrow. I will deal with you tomorrow. I’m on a roll!! Bring it!
August 15 2019:
Currently reading. One is the second time around. I have different books for different times of the day. Two for early morning reading and one or two for before bed. How about you? What are you reading? Do you read different genres for different times of day? Or is that my special thang? Haha!