Throwback Post: Blessed Times So Many Millions


October 3 2013:

Thomas asked me earlier what time I went to bed last night. I told him and we went about our business. A little bit later he came over and helped me wash the dishes and then cleaned the stove and told me he wanted to help so I could go to bed earlier.

I am blessed times 500 million and beyond that I get to be this little person’s Mama!! xoxo

Throwback Post: Dirty Food With Gratitude and Lunch


November 13 2014:

“Dirty Bananas” …. aka Banana Chocolate Crumble …. Ready to rumble Thomas’ birthday celebration at school!


November 13 2012:

Lillian’s gratitude for today:

I’m thankful for the weather.


Thomas’ gratitude for today:

I’m thankful for my BIRTHDAY!!


November 13 2011:

Today I am thankful for . . .

“A nice day relaxing and listening to the music on the radio and after yesterday’s work then relax tomorrow. Listen to the beat work to the heart of community, remember there stories I want hear and they’ll be waiting for you, here is a idea: go with fairy tales, go to a educational website for fairy tales if you like. And love person if needed and Thomas has blog: – you might have already seen it.” -Lillian Darnell


Who else has one of these in your fridge? Hahahaha! Love those two! They were playing hide n seek with their beenie babies!


November 13 2009:

At great basin brewery for some lunch before the museum.

Throwback Post: Living Room Floor Show


August 29 2014:

I just got treated to a great show right in my living room full of dancing and professional mirror writing! It began with a dedication to me … made my heart swell with love and my eyes pool with sweat! Complete with an intermission where I was served sunflower seeds, pistachio nuts and water. After the show I received a 16 minute back scratch/massage …. Ahhhh! I’m ready for bed now!

(Team TLC at the library – September 2014)

**Update – October 2021 – When coming across such wonderful memories, and photos, I must remind myself to smile, to feel joy because these beautiful moments happened, and not to be sad because they are no longer. xoxo

Throwback Post – Sweet Dreams Spell and Can I Clean the Stove


May 29 2013:

Sweet Dreams Spell from the book “A Little Fairy Princess Magic” … Read to Lillian just about every night for about the past 2 years …

“Faires, as I rest in bed, bring sweet dreams into my head, keep me safe and guard the door, bring tales of happiness forever more. As I close my eyes and fall asleep, bring magical memories for me to keep. Fairies, as I rest in bed bring sweet dreams into my head.”

Sweet dreams to all y’all tonight. Gonna review my talk for tomorrow to a group of UNR undergrad med students from a parent’s perspective (of being parent to a child with special needs) and then I’m off to dream land!

May 28 2013:

“Mom, can I clean the stove?” -Thomas …. Sure Thomas! I love it when he asks me this!!

Thomas Cleaning Stove May 28 2013

Where’s My Pillow

July 30 2017:

He (Thomas) asks, “Where’s my pillow?” …. after he looks all over the house for it. “You put it in the freezer after you took it out of the backpack you’d put it in because you were leaving and going to live somewhere else.”

“Oh. That’s right! Thanks!” 😂…. Then he gets in bed with the “Social Security for Dummies” book that he checked out from the library and starts reading it. 😜

I have been blessed with some incredibly interesting kids who are definitely unboring. 🙏💞 xoxox

Have You Hugged and Kissed a Pile of Dirt


April 21 2013:

Thomas came inside early this evening with dirt all over the front of his shirt. He said “I just hugged and kissed a pile of dirt. I need to rinse my mouth off now.”

Says he just loves being outside soooo much! Then he asked if what he did was okay. I told him absolutely and that I thought that it was great that he did that! Big dirt filled hug y’all!