Throwback Post: Parent’s Perspective With No Lunch


May 30 2013:

Just finished speaking to Manal’s class of undergrad med students. Sharing a parent’s perspective regarding advocacy and inclusion. Loved it. Thanks tons for asking me Manal!!

May 30 2013:

Thank you to Frank C. Romano Jr of the The Romano Duo for saving the day this morning. I got halfway to driving Thomas and Lillian to school this morning and realized I forgot Lillian’s lunch and Thomas’ snack. Oops! I was headed to speak to Manal’s UNR class straight from T & L’s school. My fabulous step-daddy went to my house, got the lunch and snack and took up to the school for them! YAY! I’m so blessed to have The Romano Duo! Here’s some throwback pictures …. One on the top is from about 1993. One below that is about 1996 or 1997 and bottom one is 1998.

February 10 2012: Playground and Packing and Filet Mignon

Thomas met his friends from Kindergarten at the playground after school today! They have so much fun playing together. The Sun was shining bright; but then wind was blowing like crazy! Lillian joined us too! Here she is feeling the wind blow . . .

I LOVE this dude!!!

Happy Happy Happy Lillian! Packing her suitcase to go Mammaw and Pappaw’s for two whole weeks!! I’m so grateful she gets to have this little vacation. What a treat for her!!!

Momma and Frank treated us to Filet Mignon the night before they left. They are so good to me! Love them dearly!! And this dinner was heavenly!
