Throwback Post: Enjoy Things


July 10 2013:

Great reminder from Lillian.

“Enjoy things.” -Lillian

Simple and powerful y’all!

“A picnic is a state of mind and can be made anywhere” -Susan Branch

Re-discovered this quote on Lillian’s dream/vision board. That young lady inspires me!!!!!! Time for a little adventure y’all!

Throwback Post: Last Night I Got a Tattoo


July 17 2013:

What I heard her say, “Last night I got a tattoo”.

What she really said, “Last night I had pineapple”.

Many of you know of Lillian’s speech impairment due to a Chromosome 18 deletion. Around here, we choose to make light of it and to lighten the mood we will repeat back what we thought we heard Lillian say.

It always brings laughter and then the serious business of figuring out what this beautiful young lady really said! Onward with the laughing y’all! I’m in a bring-on-the-laughter-mood today … My soul is asking for laughter today!!

(Lillian July 2013)

Throwback Post: He Misunderstood Me


July 23 2014:

“God misunderstood when I told him what kind of body and voice I wanted.” -Lillian ….

Oh, my sweet love. I completely and totally get your frustration. We had a very loving discussion about how it’s okay to feel this way …. adding that although she may not understand it in this moment, she is perfect. I’m sure that’s not very meaningful to her right now. Perhaps, one day it will have meaning for her.

Mainly she is referring to her inability to articulate words as the rest of us can, her balance issues, that she falls so often and has so many strange aches and pains.

Here’s the song I like about all this jazz:

Throwback Post: Important Thing by Lillian Darnell


July 30 2011:

From Lillian y’all (she just emailed this to family as we are due for another thunder/lightning storm) . . . she cracks us up!! {I know my fellow C18 Parents get how worried this makes her!! Hahahaha}

Important Thing

Watch the clouds form:
Watch for signs of a storm coming. The clouds will begin to build into tall pillars. The sky will darken and a damp feeling will make you skin feel clammy. These are warnings to stay out of boats, get away from water and head for a safe shelter. When safely inside watch the clouds billow up and form huge dark piles of cloud. Soon you will hear the rumble of thunder in the distance, but there is no need to fear when you are safe inside.

Watch the Lightning:
Stay away from windows, but open the drapes and curtains so you can see the lightning flash and enjoy the excitement and beauty of it. The Bible calls lightning God’s arrows. There are many different kinds of lightning.

There is a heat lightning—usually associated with a summer evening storm.
There is forked lightning that splits as it nears the ground.
There is spear lightning that shoots a deadly spear almost straight toward the ground.
Lillian Darnell
Fairy Princess

Lillian and First Steps With Treating Herself

May 31 2022

Lillian decided to treat herself to quesadillas and churros to celebrate taking a first step in improving her quality of life.

She has a difficult time going to doctor appointments, and struggles with actually leaving the house. Lillian wants to learn and master independent living skills, but has been stuck and resistant due to mental health.

I’m happy for Lillian, and actually deeply relieved to have this step conquered. 😥😥😥 As we were leaving the appointment, she commented that I should get her a treat for having taken this step. I responded that perhaps she should treat herself. 🎉😍🎉 We should always take that step to treat ourselves, not waiting for others to do it.