March 22 2018:
… from 2015 Thomas in honor of #WorldWaterDay 2018 …. xoxo
March 22 2018:
#WorldWaterDay 2018
Water, glorious water.
Oh, how I am grateful.
for you are life,
You help to create life,
You sustain life,
YOU are everything to life.
I bless and am
eternaly grateful
for the blessings
you bestow.
You uplift,
You … Go here to
March 21 2018:
Another in honor of World Poetry Day AND the upcoming World Water Day … This one from Lillian Darnell … Just love, love, love this …
The Water
Water is a land
of freedom
Freedom is a gift
of emotion and pride.
While pride is a sea
full of joy.
Emotion is an ocean
full of joy and happiness
with anger and sad falling behind it
As water waves
like a sea of freedom
knowing its beauty awaits.
-2018, Lillian Darnell