Throwback Post: Best and Bestest – Sayings from a Young Thomas and Lillian


April 24 2013:

(A drawing Thomas made for me in 2013)

“I like using my imagination. It makes games more fun.” -Thomas (11.17.11)

“Can I help you cook dinner?” -Thomas. …. to which I replied, “You can put the dishes in the dishwasher for me”  …. to which Thomas replied,  “I’d be happy to. Let me take my shirt off.” (11.8.11) (Sensory issues!! He still will take off his shirt if it gets water on it!)

“I like you even when you are getting on to me.” -Thomas Darnell (11.8.11)

“I wish to be you when I grow up.” -Lillian Darnell

“These are the best grits you have ever made!” -Thomas Darnell (10.23.11)

‎”I like you and your the bestest Mama I’ve ever had!” -Thomas (10.21.11)

“I used the potty on the wall for the first time today.” -Thomas (10.13.11)

“These are the bestest grits you have ever made” -Thomas (10.2.11)

Throwback Post: Everything Is Possible With Backyard and Indoor Camping


May 31 2014:

“If everything is possible, isn’t it possible that some things are impossible?” -Thomas ….

This one made me stop … and ponder … Hmmmmmm …. Blessed, blessed, blessed by this young man! xoxo

April 9 2012:

Backyard camping at the Team TLC Casa …. YAY for warm days ….

Backyard Camping April 9 2012

Later on …. Moved the camping inside … too windy!!

Backyard Camping #2 April 9 2012

Thanks for Noticing

February 29 2020

When Thomas and Lillian were younger, this was a much discussed topic in our house. They still tell me I’m weird and crazy. I tell them, “Thanks for noticing.” 😜🤣

“My kids are starting to notice I’m a little different from the other dads. ‘Why don’t you have a straight job like everyone else?’ they asked me the other day.

I told them this story:

In the forest, there was a crooked tree and a straight tree. Every day, the straight tree would say to the crooked tree, ‘Look at me…I’m tall, and I’m straight, and I’m handsome. Look at you…you’re all crooked and bent over. No one wants to look at you.’ And they grew up in that forest together. And then one day the loggers came, and they saw the crooked tree and the straight tree, and they said, ‘Just cut the straight trees and leave the rest.’So the loggers turned all the straight trees into lumber and toothpicks and paper. And the crooked tree is still there, growing stronger and stranger every day.” Tom Waits

Throwback Post: Smiling Bread and Glad to Still Be A Kid


May 27 2014:

I was making Lillian’s lunch for tomorrow and her beautiful bread gave me a wink and a little crooked smile ….. I love being open to kindness, happiness and love coming at me from any one or any thing! HA! ♡

Bread May 27 2014

May 28 2012:

“I’m so glad I’m still a kid.” -Thomas Darnell

{ This has turned into a morning long conversation. Today’s BrainPop was about Memorial Day and mourning. He asked what mourning means …. Then said he never wants Lillian to die and his eyes started “sweating” (as he calls it). May we ALL remember to think and live like when we were a kid and to fully embrace every single moment with our loved ones!}

Throwback Post: You Are a Great Cooker


May 26 2009:

Made some 5 minute instant rice to go w/ dinner & Thomas said, “I like this, You’re a Great Cooker & I Love You”. Just had to share ~ this little man surprises me every day with his funny & beautiful comments!

(Photo from our June 2009 Date Day – He preferred the stairs to the escalator. We used to have date days at the airport. He loved roaming around, eating lunch, and looking at the airplanes. We stopped doing it once they remodeled and closed off many areas.)