The book has made it all da way down to da bayou y’all … with da fishing boats and seagulls in Grand Isle, Louisiana … I have some fond and not so fond memories of Grand Isle!! When I was in Jr High we stayed at someone’s trailer there and I caught tons of flounder!!!! YAY me!! THAT was fun! Then that night when trying to sleep I discovered the place was FULL of flying cockroaches … Good Golly! I almost suffocated myself with the covers pulled over my head so tightly! I did not enjoy sleeping with flying cockroaches!! My flounder was Good though!
Janet Storie buying her book on June 20 2012 at the eWomenNetwork Dinner Event in Reno, Nevada!
Renee Portnell got her book in June 2012 – Reno, Nevada!!
Read your book while Sitting on the balcony of a cruise ship heading to Alaska! It was such an empowering book. I hope to be like you and have the courage you have! Great book! – Gloria
Thanks Michelle for the kind words in your Amazon Review!! Big ole hug to YOU!!
I ordered this book because my friend Camilla Downs wrote it and I had lost contact with her for many years and thanks to Facebook we were reconnected an I found out about her book and had to get it so I could see how her life was going and so glad I did..I never knew any of the things she talked about in her book, and I don’t have a special needs child but the book help me in so many ways just by reading it and understanding its all in the way you look and view your life as to how it can turn out ….you can be negative Nancy and you will be unchanged or you can be positive polly and forever be changed…thanks Cam for letting the world read about your life I am forever changed love you much…thanks fb for inventing a site for people to reconnect and keep in touch with family and friends and last but not least thank you Amazon for selling her books an so many other things that we can purchase and have not fears of being scammed its safe an fast to order from… all the thanks and praise goes the the Big Man Upstairs the Lord thank you most of all…..sincerely Michelle….
Thank you tons and tons Terry Torpet Vasenden for the beautiful review on Amazon … I appreciate it so dang much … Can’t wait to give you a big ole HUG!!!!!
“Camilla’s love for her children, her struggles and successes, and her insight of how to navigate the whole ride will inspire you to be a better parent, search for and find joy, and make every moment count. Camilla shares her story of how to enjoy the journey – even when it isn’t always the path we planned or even imagined. Lots of practical tips for all of us, and tons of great resources/action plans for those facing the challenges that come with being an advocate for a child.” – Terry V.
Thank you tons and tons to Lorna of Special Needs Book Review for sharing about ‘D iz for Different’!!! Check out the FB page .. GREAT resources y’all!
For my C18 family: Got a link to C18 website and some info about C18 in the article too!
“Feelings of isolation and overwhelm keep special needs parents stuck, especially when coupled with deeply ingrained erroneous thought habits,” said Ms. Downs. “Special needs parents can unknowingly isolate themselves and begin viewing their lives in a negative way. These findings from the discussions and interviews that went to the writing of D iz for Different have been further confirmed by the hundreds of discussions that have been generated since its publication in May of 2012,” she added. Downs wrote and ….
Special Needs Book Review is pleased that yet another author agreed to introduce her book to our readers. This guest post is by Camilla Downs the author of D iz for Different – One Woman’s Journey to Acceptance. Since the book’s publication, Camilla Downs has undergone her own professional transformation with a career change from social media consultant to special needs parent coach and mentor, offering hope and guidance to others parenting kids with special needs. Congratulations Camilla on all your achievements! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. First, who is Camilla Downs?
Camilla Downs is a special needs parent mentor, guiding parents to help them decrease feelings of overwhelm by shifting their views and showing them they are not alone. Her book, D iz for Different – One Woman’s Journey to Acceptance, was published in May 2012. The book offers Ms. Downs personal experiences in facing and overcoming life’s trials with grit and humor, along with providing practical “Tips for the Journey” throughout the book. Others parenting kids with special needs will be able to relate to Camilla’s journey.
More About the Author
D iz for Different – One Woman’s Journey to Acceptance by Camilla Downs will be of interest to others parenting children with special needs. Camilla Downs is also an advocate of living an adventurous, inspired and different life than expected. With these new life experiences, Camilla has now become a motivational speaker.
Team TLC helps parenting Kids with Special Needs Camilla is mom to 11 year old Lillian and 7 year old Thomas. Lillian is a child with special needs who was diagnosed with 18p- when she was 3 years old. They call themselves Team TLC and share their journey on the Team TLC website .
D iz for Different – One Woman’s Journey to Acceptance- Powerful Truths for Others Parenting Kids with Special Needs by Camilla Downs
Camilla Downs is a Reno-based single mother of two children, one of them with a significant chromosomal disorder. Ms. Downs’ personal struggles inspired her to write D iz for Different – One Woman’s Journey to Acceptance specifically for parents of children with special needs. Downs’ work underlines a clear message: You need not feel isolated and overwhelmed. She offers this group of families, now numbering in the millions in the U.S., inspiration, hope and specific advice and actions to help them become unstuck and more effective in their personal and professional lives.
“Feelings of isolation and overwhelm keep special needs parents stuck, especially when coupled with deeply ingrained erroneous thought habits,” said Ms. Downs. “Special needs parents can unknowingly isolate themselves and begin viewing their lives in a negative way. These findings from the discussions and interviews that went to the writing of D iz for Different have been further confirmed by the hundreds of discussions that have been generated since its publication in May of 2012,” she added.
Downs wrote and self-published D iz for Different in less than a year, prompted by her experiences as a single parent devising creative solutions to life’s challenges, including financial struggles. Friends and professionals who saw the value of a self-help book geared towards parents of special needs children donated services including the book’s cover artwork and design, editing, proofreading, interior layout and design.
Endorsements for D iz for Different include Julie Zigler Norman, author of Growing Up Zigler: A Daughter’s Broken Journey from Heartache to Hope, and Jim Stovall, Emmy award-winning best-selling author of The Ultimate Gift.
Here is a short book trailer of “D iz for Different”
Amazon reviewer, Kathy Buchanan said, “An uplifting and honest book about facing life’s challenges. The book teaches you that how you respond to adversity is within your control and that you can still be happy even when circumstances are less than perfect…”
Camilla Downs author of book on parenting kids with special needsIn another Amazon review, Liz Arches said, “A is for Amazing, B is for Beautiful, C is for Camilla and Courageous…When you see someone who is making such a fantastic job of parenting in difficult circumstances as Camilla is, it can be awesome in the sense of ‘daunting’ as much as ‘inspiring’. It might be hard to imagine that you could ever do anything like the same. But first-time author Camilla is happy to admit that none of this came easy to her, and to acknowledge that it doesn’t come easy to anybody. She just wants to share the positive attitudes and techniques that have worked for her and which might be helpful for other parents, offering parents the opportunity to enjoy every minute of every day with their children. And it’s all presented in short, pithy chapters, so you can get on with that enjoyment all the sooner!”
Lillian has raised $33 so far for Demi’s Difference!! She is selling prints of The Egyptian Eye to raise money for attending the Chromosome 18 Conference this July and also donating 15% of money raised to this beautiful non-profit. She’s also decided to include her bookmark design in the fundraiser. Would anyone be interested in the bookmark? I can check into how to go about getting those made. Here’s her blog post about the conference and The Egyptian Eye.
Got em all together and ready for our bi-weekly library visit … Team TLC loves to read!! Books are AWESOME!!!
Quick park stop after our library adventure and before dinner with The Romano Duo!!
June 1 2012:
Special treat time … Plus we found wheat-free licorice!!!! Wooohoooo!!! Lillian is set for movie night!
Thomas’ turn!!! Yum!!!
Just ordered 85 more books! 60 headed your way Darrell ‘n Lois Solet… Estimated delivery date of June 14th!!! 25 more headed to ME and should get the other 150 by this coming Tuesday!! Got my mailing supplies delivered yesterday … I’m ready to mail all y’alls books to YOU!! Who still needs one? Happy Weekend!!
Sunset walk adventures …. What an AWEsome and beautiful night!!!
June 1 2011:
Last day at South Reno United Methodist Church Preschool for Thomas! On to kindergarten adventures in August for this young man! Thomas and I have so much enjoyed being a part of the SRUMC Preschool family!! Thank you to everyone there for always being so welcoming, warm and kind!!
Last day for Thomas!!! Singin for us!!
He loved the “How” book. (Team Member C stocked up on books this passed Monday at Grassroots Books $5 bag sale!!)
Thomas with his graduation gifts from me! What a proud little dude!
June 1 2010:
Momma and Frank just got back from Mississippi and guess what I’m eating right now? Boiled peanuts ~ yummilicious!!! Y’all know you’re jealous! Thanks Aunt Debbie Burton!
Love this!! Another book picture sighting in Grand Isle, Louisiana …
Debbie Burton says she took some more time to herself and shared a whole piece of Louisiana watermelon with the book!! Man, I sure do miss that watermelon … brings back such warm, fun memories of my childhood … outside all day, going, going, going, going and ALWAYS barefoot …. eating watermelon and spittin the seeds out as you go!
Big shout out to everyone who has watched and shared the “D iz for Different” Book Trailer … it’s nearly at 500 views!! YAY!!! Grateful times a million!
Here’s a picture of my helper, Lillian, getting books ready to mail … and here’s a link to the trailer … it’s just a little over a minute long …
“I really enjoyed your book Camilla. Fun, interesting, inspiring and heartwarming. Lillian and Thomas are very lucky to have you for their Mom. We are traveling to Lake Powell today, I started your book at 11:30. There were a few stops but finished it in 5 hours. Are you working on book 2? Haha. Hopefully one day I’ll get to meet you and your kids. Great job!!” – Beverly Romano Warford
Thanks Momma for the review on Amazon … Yep, I’ve always been smiling …. from the beginning!!
“”D IZ FOR DIFFERENT” is a very inspiring and educational book. It will give you tips for your journey as you go through life raising your special needs child/children and will give you excellent resources for help and support from different organizations. What a very special person to share her family life to help others through a very difficult time. Thank you for writing this book!”
To learn more about D iz for Different – One Woman’s Journey to Acceptance, go here …
Thank you tons and tons Kathy for the Amazon review …
“An uplifting and honest book about facing life’s challenges. Teaches you that how you respond to adversity is within your control and that you can still be happy even when circumstances are less than perfect. As the mother of a child with special needs, I really connected with the author. A great read!”