New Walk and Gorgeous and Dramatic and Amazing and Sun Arrow and Meditative

November 18 2018:

Lillian went for a walk in Dayton yesterday with The Romano Duo! She got back home yesterday afternoon. 💙💚

November 18 2018:

Sunset walk this afternoon. Gorgeous!! Thank you Nature …. 💛🧡

November 19 2018:

On the walk today. Oh sky. I love it when you wear the creamy, layered clouds. Deeply dramatic. ☁️

November 21 2018:

The most amazing sky this afternoon. Wish I had been on a walk and gotten a better view. 💙

November 24 2018:

Sunset walk and WOW!!! Another sun arrow pointing directly at me. Along with an amazing cloud filled sky. It was a meditative walk of letting go and knowing. And. Then. This. ⬇️☀️☁️

Sunset walk tonight …. Incredible beauty! ☀️☀️☀️

Washoe Lake and Grateful and Wisdom and Reflections and Beautiful and Graceful and Magic Lamp and Stillness and Clarity and Authenticity and Blessed

September 3 2018:

Wee Team TLC adventure of driving around Washoe Lake this afternoon. Incredibly beautiful!!!

September 4 2018:

Sunset walk with Lillian yesterday. Incredibly grateful to and for Nature.

September 5 2018:

Yesterday morning’s walk brought pelican wisdom paired with crystal clear reflections. Beautiful and graceful.

September 5 2018:

Oh my gosh!!! Sunset walk with Lillian tonight and we found a magic lamp!! I took this picture after we rubbed the lamp. The genie said no pictures afterwards though. You best believe I made a few I AM wishes!

September 6 2018:

Yesterday mornings walk. Stillness, clarity, and reflecting. Deeply grateful for walks and walking. And for the landscape Mother Nature provides.

September 6 2018:

Sunset walk with Lillian yesterday. Love says, “Keep going. Keep following the path to opening ones heart and the path of Authenticity.” Deeply grateful and blessed.

September 7 2018:

Sunset walk with Lillian yesterday followed by a moonlight swim in the pool. Magical.

Sunset and Beautiful and Always Heard and Dance Party and Jay and Peace and Clarity

July 22 2018:

Sunset walk tonight. Beautiful sky, good breeze, and an accidental sideways picture of the rocks where I sat for a few minutes.

July 30 2018:

Found while walking Yonce this morning. To be followed by passing a bouncy young girl of about 7 years old walking with her grandma.

As I walked by the young girl, I smiled and said “hello”. To which she quickly said to her grandma, “Grandma, I want that lady to be my mom.” Grandma swiftly replies no and they continue walking.

Sweet girl, I wrap you and your family in oceans of love and pray for grace, courage, and strength for whatever is going on in your lives; whether it be a small or big issue or whether you were even just playing a game. And I pray that your voice is always heard. xoxo …

July 30 2018:

From a walk last week … Created by the sun and a tree! Cool!

Last week was hugely weird so I never got around to posting it.

On another note when it feels like Life just took a big dump on you; it sort of helps to have a dance party with Boogie Shoes by K.C. & The Sunshine Band, Play That Funky Music by Wild Cherry, and You Make My Dreams by Hall & Oates, among a few others!

I shall let myself mourn over that which only ever existed in my imagination, something I was desperately clinging to, feel this crappy moment or two, and let myself know what I need to know, and then ….. I’ll just keep going.

I do have much to be grateful for; yet I do not want to cram these feelings. I shall focus on gratitude once I’m done letting go of this. And, I shall remember how powerful I am.

Wanna help? Have your own dance party or whatever brings forth good feelings and then send some good feelings and prayers this way. Oceans of gratitude …

July 31 2018:

Found today …. Blue Jay or Stellar Jay. Not sure. Yet, what a beautiful message to receive.

July 31 2018:

Sunset walk with Thomas tonight …. Incredibly beautiful and peaceful.

Oh Great Sun.
Bathe me in
Clarity and Knowing.
Thank you.

August 3 2018:

Sunset walk Lillian last night. We’ll need to start getting out there earlier. The move to shorter days has begun. Beautiful night!!!

Grateful and Blessed and Crows and Amazing

June 27 2018:

Team TLC sunset walk yesterday … Followed by a moonlit swim in the pool. Incredibly grateful and blessed.

Sunset Walk with Thomas and Lillian Vintage Lake 6.27.18 #1 Sunset Walk with Thomas and Lillian Vintage Lake 6.27.18 #2 Sunset Walk with Thomas and Lillian Vintage Lake 6.27.18 #3 Sunset Walk with Thomas and Lillian Vintage Lake 6.27.18 #4 Sunset Walk with Thomas and Lillian Vintage Lake 6.27.18 #5 Sunset Walk with Thomas and Lillian Vintage Lake 6.27.18 #6 Sunset Walk with Thomas and Lillian Vintage Lake 6.27.18 #7 Sunset Walk with Thomas and Lillian Vintage Lake 6.27.18 #8 Sunset Walk with Thomas and Lillian Vintage Lake 6.27.18 #9 Sunset Walk with Thomas and Lillian Vintage Lake 6.27.18 #10

June 27 2018:

This crows family is looking out for him. He’s not able to fly and he’s been hanging out here for a couple of days. Every time I walk by they start cawing like crazy to warn him. I saw one bringing him food this morning. Hoping it’s something he can heal from and rejoin his family.

Crows 6.27.18 #1 Crows 6.27.18 #2 Crows 6.27.18 #3

June 29 2018:

Oh so beautiful clouds as Thomas and I were headed to Alchemist Theatre last night. I love the amazing shapes of our clouds!

Clouds 6.28.18 #1 Clouds 6.28.18 #2

Shadows and Lovely and Beautiful and Listen and Love and Bridge

June 19 2018:

Shadow lovelies this morning! xoxo

Shadows 6.19.18 #1 Shadows 6.19.18 #2 Shadows 6.19.18 #3

June 20 2018:

Sunset walk yesterday evening. What a beautiful night it was. Felt so good. I’ve got something weighing on my mind and nature is my confidant and the one who helps me get out of the mind and into the heart.

Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 6.20.18 #1 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 6.20.18 #2 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 6.20.18 #3 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 6.20.18 #4 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 6.20.18 #5 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 6.20.18 #6 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 6.20.18 #7 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 6.20.18 #8 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 6.20.18 #9 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 6.20.18 #10

June 21 2018:

Don’t hold onto it. Don’t let it soak within. Let it roll off.

Nature always has a perfect message for us when we stop, Be quiet, and Listen.

A message I needed to hear once again today as I make my way into unfamiliar territory for me.

Let it Roll Off Walk Vintage Leaf with Water Droplets 6.21.18

June 22 2018:

The most amazing and wonderful sunset walk last night. Nature is an incredible gift and blessing. She inspires us to ponder.

Do we love and accept others for who they know themselves to be or do we love and accept our idea of them and how we think they make us feel? I’ve got a writing bubbling forth. Love, love, love.

Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 6.22.18 #1 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 6.22.18 #2 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 6.22.18 #3 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 6.22.18 #4 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 6.22.18 #5 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 6.22.18 #6 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 6.22.18 #7

June 22 2018:

Love is the bridge that connects.

Love is the Bridge That Connects 6.22.18

Healthy and Healing and Peaceful and Love Vibes and Trees and Holding Space

May 28 2018:

Sunset walk yesterday. Nature = Healthy, Healing, Peaceful, Love Vibes

including one accidentally zoomed in photo that turned out pretty cool!

Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 5.28.18 #1 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 5.28.18 #2 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 5.28.18 #3 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 5.28.18 #4 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 5.28.18 #5 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 5.28.18 #6 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 5.28.18 #7 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 5.28.18 #8 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 5.28.18 #9 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 5.28.18 #10

May 30 2018:

…. from yesterday’s walk … I love these trees. And, found a friend on the pedestrian bridge. Love, love, love …….

Walk Vintage Lake 5.30.18 #1 Walk Vintage Lake Heart 5.30.18 #2 Walk Vintage Lake Path 5.30.18 #3

June 2 2018:

Trees holding space for the sun … from a walk a couple of days ago. Forgot I made this photo. I can hardly walk by these trees and this spot and not take a picture.

Trees Holding Space for the Sun 6.2.18

Awakens and Amazing and Magnify and Instant Calm and Beauty

May 20 2018:

There’s really not much I truly know. Yet. This. I do know. Nature awakens the Knowing of my Heart. xoxo

Not much I truly know Sunset Photo Vintage Lake 5.20.18

May 20 2018:

Team TLC walk this afternoon. Lillian heads to Surprise, Arizona later this week with The Romano Duo so we made sure to have a walk with the whole team before she leaves. And look at the amazing cloud show we got to see!!

Team TLC Walk Vintage lake 5.20.18 #1 Team TLC Walk Vintage lake 5.20.18 #2 Team TLC Walk Vintage lake 5.20.18 #3 Team TLC Walk Vintage lake 5.20.18 #4 Team TLC Walk Vintage lake 5.20.18 #5 Team TLC Walk Vintage lake 5.20.18 #6 Team TLC Walk Vintage lake 5.20.18 #7 Team TLC Walk Vintage lake 5.20.18 #8 Team TLC Walk Vintage lake 5.20.18 #9 Team TLC Walk Vintage lake 5.20.18 #10

May 21 2018:

….. from a walk this morning …. Nature. Magnified. Take pause. Zoom out and See the Whole. Simply beautiful. xoxo

Goose Feather with Water Droplets Poem 5.23.18 Water Droplets Goose Feather Vintage Lake 5.21.18 #2

May 23 2018:

Brings instant calm. The shoulders and jaw relax. The neck releases. And, if one chooses, whatever it is, can be released and let go.

Instant Calm Walk Vintage lake 5.23.18

May 25 2018:

Beauty amongst the pins and needles.

Pins and Needles Tree 5.25.18

The Walk of Alchemy by Camilla Downs

May 20 2018:

I went for walk this morning.

Not unlike many mornings over the past 17 years. The meaning and depth of the walk has shifted throughout the years. What began as a way to exercise and get fresh air has shifted to be much deeper than that.

I have experienced many mindful walks. Walking slower than usual, listening, feeling, and smelling in silence.

Yet, this morning I knew it was …

The Walk of Alchemy

New Beginnings and New Buds and Sweet Goslings and Beautiful Moon and Magnificent Trees and Pink Blossoms and Never Ending Artwork

April 24 2018:

Today’s Walk With Me theme was all about new beginnings. Brand new buds opening so tender and delicate. Fluffy and sweet goslings eating and being protected by their parents. Spring is a wonderful time for new beginnings …..

Solo Walk Vintage Lake 4.24.18 #1 Solo Walk Vintage Lake 4.24.18 #2 Solo Walk Vintage Lake 4.24.18 #3

April 25 2018:

The pool is being filled with water!!!! We went to the lodge after dinner just to watch the water pouring in for a few minutes. It takes days for it to get full. So cool!! We get to swim soon. Yay! We also saw the beautiful moon framed by these magnificent trees.

Moon through the Trees 4.25.18

April 27 2018:

These two have their “hands” full!! 14 babies!!! That’s the most I’ve seen so far! So sweet and cute!

Goslings Vintage Lake 4.26.18

April 27 2018:

Thomas and I had a wonderful walk in the rain yesterday afternoon!

He’s created an entire new country of the lake with the sandbar as home base. Complete with ports, a capital, currency, military (ducks and geese), and much more. We spent much much time discussing this.

And, squeal!!! Got to see our first duckling!! Cutest lil peep peep sound!! Topped off with a carpet of pink blossoms. They’re even beautiful when the wind blows them from the trees.

Sunset Walk with Thomas Vintage lake 4.27.18 #1 Sunset Walk with Thomas Vintage lake 4.27.18 #2 Sunset Walk with Thomas Vintage lake 4.27.18 #3 Sunset Walk with Thomas Vintage lake 4.27.18 #4 Sunset Walk with Thomas Vintage lake 4.27.18 #5 Sunset Walk with Thomas Vintage lake 4.27.18 #6 Sunset Walk with Thomas Vintage lake 4.27.18 #7 Sunset Walk with Thomas Vintage lake 4.27.18 #8 Sunset Walk with Thomas Vintage lake 4.27.18 #9

April 28 2018:

Sunset walk with Thomas last night. Perfect timing. Such a beautiful never ending art show from Mother Nature. xoxo ….

Sunset Walk with Thomas 4.28.18 #1 Sunset Walk with Thomas 4.28.18 #2 Sunset Walk with Thomas 4.28.18 #3