Truth Compass – Thomas Darnell

May 9 2018:

Oh Snap! Thank you to Thomas for continually being the one that says to me, flat out, “That wasn’t kind.” …. He’s like a truth compass when my own internal compass feels like it’s been 20 rounds in the washing machine.

Truth be told, on the day I wrote this, I woke up feeling heavy, sad, overwhelmed …. and …..

He’s A Truth Compass

A Great Storm or A Beacon of Light


February 24 2013:

Been working on science projects all day with Thomas and Lillian. When Mr. T was finished I told him he could go outside and play before the sun set. He chose to stay inside and help me clean.

This kid gives me much to ponder. He can be the bearer of such a great storm when my thoughts are not in harmony yet in the next instant he is a beacon of calm shining brightly. His awesome sister too in her own way. My word this is truly a beautiful life!!

Thomas on Stairs June 11 2013