Whisperings by Camilla Downs

“Whisperings of the Heart”

The heart whispers secrets
Try not to hear it you do.

Continuing to be in this life’s game
Following the rules, filling out the papers,
conforming to the this-is-the-way-it’s-done norms.
Too busy for interruption
to hear the gentle whisperings of the heart.

Yet, the whisperings never quiet fully.
They are there.
The whisperings are ever delivered
with love and gentleness.

The whisperings of the heart judge not.
The whisperings of the heart
are …..

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Poetry and Photography: Whisperings of the Heart


The Heart Knows by Camilla Downs


“The eye cannot
Conceive the miracle
It beholds.
The beauty surpasses
The knowing of
The senses.
The heart knows.
The heart knows.
The heart remembers
How to fly
Into the mystic.
Delivering remembrance
To every cell
Returning us to
and revealing the oneness
Of all.” -2016 Camilla Downs – Author, Lessons from Nature