You Know Me So Well by Camilla Downs


“You know me so well,
Mirroring life as it is lived.

Sometimes up,
Sometimes down.

And sometimes the journey
is smooth and level.

Oh, beautiful Mother Earth
We make a great team.

Mirroring for one another
Verily, verily, me make a great ONE.” ~2016 Camilla Downs – Author, Lessons from Nature

Revealing the Truth by Camilla Downs

Thomas and Camilla January 2017 Date Day Part 2 1.31.17 #4

“Like a gentle breeze
Moves through you,
You move through
The clouds of my soul,
Revealing the truth
Obscured by living
A life of illusion.
By the grace of You
I can see clearly now.” -2016 Camilla Downs – Author, Lessons from Nature

It Inspires Me

March 4 2017:

Melting Icicles The Vintage 2.22.17 #3

“It inspires me.” ~Lillian Darnell

Lillian asked this morning why I had not posted anything in an Arts facebook group lately. I explained that I have so much on my to do list. Also, that I felt my poems and nature photography were not inspiring and healing to those within the group.

She then suggested instagram. I explained that it did seem to be more meaningful to those who see them on instagram, yet it takes so long to post combining the photo, the poem and the tags.

She then said, “Your poems and photography inspire me.”

Thank you Lillian for reminding me that what I create is divinely inspired. The creations will touch who they are meant to touch when they are meant to touch. And, I do not need to hear that this has been so.

We Shall Emerge by Camilla Downs

Looking Through To River San Antonio 7.2016

And out of the darkness
We shall emerge.
A darkness that
Has been necessary.

A vital and pivotal point
Of confronting the
Shadows within.

For to have more
Than brief glimpses
Of the light,
This acceptance, forgiveness,
And dissolution of shadows
Must be met.

As what awaits is
The eternity of light and love,
Ever there, ever lovingly
And patiently waiting
To welcome us home.” -2016 Camilla Downs – Author, Lessons from Nature

Oh Beautiful Tree by Camilla Downs


“Nature knows not
Her beauty without us.
We know not
Our beauty, compassion,
And peace without her.”
Oh beautiful tree
The lessons thy impart to me
Open the heart to be free
Grateful to you
I will forever be.” Camilla Downs – Author, Lessons from Nature
(Picture in San Antonio along the Riverwalk July 2016)