Words of Alchemy – Cover Reveal by Katrina Marie Along with the LCCN

October 1 2019:

Thank you to book blogger friend, Katrina, for helping to spread the word on Saturday about the cover reveal.

“Cover Reveal of Words of Alchemy Poems by Camilla Downs

Today we are revealing the book cover for, Words of Alchemy, a heartfelt free-verse poetry collection from Camilla Downs. You can pre-order a signed copy of Words of Alchemy using this link … WordsofAlchemy.com. The book debuts near the end of October, at which time it will be available on Amazon, and the signed pre-ordered books will ship as well ….. ”

Cover Reveal of Words of Alchemy Poems by Camilla Downs


Received the Library of Congress Control Number! Nearing the final stretch. And, yes, you can pre-order now!

Also, I really really like having a proofreader/editor under the same roof. Thomas is an ace at it! Plus, it counts toward his schooling.

The Journey by Camilla Downs


The Journey

A persons journey is never the same as another
With twists and turns and roads less traveled
Smooth at times, bumpy at others.

We begin this journey from our common home
And we travel to far away distant lands
In search of something we think we’ve lost
Only to realize that it was never really lost.

It was simply buried beneath ideas we assumed as our own
And buried beneath beliefs that soaked deep into our cells.
So we each travel our own journey home
And although our journeys are unique
Our destination is the same.

Ultimately, we all reach the destination
A destination reached at different times for each person.
We are welcomed to a home we never really departed
Welcomed into love’s embrace.
-©Camilla Downs 2016

The Path of the Heart by Camilla Downs

November 17 2018:

The Path of the Heart

The path back home
seems littered with
suffering and struggle.

What is this insane
ability to cause
one self such suffering?

Suffering by way of the
thoughts that dart
here and there,
at times stabbing
the soul as if they
were a cold, sharp knife.

When one golden day
the tides of change
bring ….

Poetry and Photography: The Path of the Heart

Water Dance by Camilla Downs

August 12 2018:

Water Dance

As the suns reflection
Becomes a dancer
Of the water,
She takes by the hand
the one who walks.

She whispers sweet reminders,
To the walkers heart.

She dances elegantly.
She dances of love and grace.
She dances unknown ….

Poetry and Photography: Water Dance

Feel the Joy by Camilla Downs

Joy, Oh What a Feeling
You effortlessly glide my way
Gently wrapping your wings of love
around me as I become dizzy with
your tingling embrace.

Joy says, “Write about me too!”
I am as important to feel
and be with as are the
unlovely feelings and emotions.

Feel me, physically feel me
Let yourself know that
you are worthy of the lovely
feelings too.

Feel me. Try not to cling
to me. I shall always …. Visit the below link to read further …

Poetry and Photography: Feel the Joy

Nature’s Abundance by Camilla Downs

Frosty Embrace - Nature's Abundance 3.9.18

Nature’s Abundance

I feel the frosty cold
embrace as You brush
across this body.
I feel and Know
your Abundance.

I touch and hug
the beautiful,
scarred and knotted
trees that sprout
and grow from Your soil.
I feel and Know
your Abundance.

I delight in the sparkling
and unique snow flakes
as they drift from
the brooding clouds
above and lightly fall
upon this body.
I feel and Know
your Abundance.

Lo, even as I dodge
and walk through
the nuggets of
geese waste left
behind by these
majestic and
interesting creatures,
I feel and Know
your Abundance.

Yes, I feel Your abundance
I Know it now.

It’s been a ….. Go here to read more …

Poetry and Photography: Nature’s Abundance

The Space Within by Camilla Downs

“The Space Within”

The Space Within Poem February 2018

There is a space within
A space occupied, it was.

Occupied with judgment
Occupied with harshness
Occupied with unkind thoughts
towards others.

There is a space within
where the darkness
of judgment used to live.

Judgment lives
here no more.
It has been.

There is a space within.

A soft space of love
of compassion
of empathy
of understanding.

For a journey
of a thousand miles has
been lived with
the understanding
that each one of us
has traveled a similar journey.

To be sure …… Go here to read more …

Poetry and Photography: The Space Within



Unearthing the Hurt by Camilla Downs

Unearthing the Hurt

She had a dream.
Walking through a
tunnel of books, she saw herself.
Look! Light at the end of the tunnel.

No wait, then … she had a vision.
Walking through a tunnel
of darkness, she saw herself.

She had chosen to
go deep this time.
Chosen to unearth
a hurt buried so
deep, she tricked
herself into believing
it never happened
and was gone forever.

A hurt that caused
her to ….

Go here to read more …

Poetry and Photography: Unearthing the Hurt


Liberation by Camilla Downs

Cloud Dancing with Full Moon 2017


She was tired.
Tired of trying to figure it out.

Tired of trying to make things work.
Tired of manipulating circumstances
to make things work.
Tired of trying to control situations to make things work.

Tired of living in confusion.
Tired of the suffering
created by way of her thoughts.

Tired of the chains that
bound her to the suffering.
Tired of dragging those
invisible chains through life.

Tired of not loving herself.
Tired of not being loved.
Tired of the responsibility of it all.

Tired of questioning her every decision.
Tired of hiding the Truth from herself.
Tired of running from her own self.

Tired of the darkness within.
Tired of the pull of the ego.

What she craved.
What she desperately needed.

In desperation she dropped to her knees.
Crying out to the all knowing,

Take this tired body,
Take this tired mind,
Take this confusion,
Take this suffering,

She let it all go.
She released it to the divine.

She asked for liberation
from her self-induced suffering.

Liberate this soul.
Liberate this heart.

Allow this heart to open.
Allow this heart to
receive and know unconditional love.
Allow this mind to know Clarity.

Liberation to the graceful
place of Knowing Freedom.
Liberation to the Place
of letting go.

Letting Go
And saying Yes
to Life. -©2017 Camilla Downs, Lessons from Nature
(Written in May 2017)

The Light of Freedom by Camilla Downs

The Light of Freedom Poem Tree and Sunshine Photo 8.2017

The Light of Freedom

“It’s time to step into the flames of the fire. The time is now to connect with that which you fear from your past. The past no longer exists and cannot cause you harm. However, when it is avoided and sidestepped; it does indeed cause you harm.

This avoidance and sidestepping keeps you a prisoner of the past and held captive to a perceived smallness. As the flame grows, be still and know that you are not alone. Be still and know it cannot hurt you. It cannot consume you.

By bringing your light to the flames of the fire, it will be extinguished and transformed into the light of freedom.

The freedom to claim your power. The freedom to know who you are. The freedom to shine your light with others.

Be still. And Know.” – 2017, Camilla Downs, The Journal