Lillian and Camilla July 2019 Date Day

July 30 2019:

Lillian and Camilla July 2019 Date Day

First stop – Fries and a lemon cheesecake cookie for Lillian. Crispy cauliflower and a vegan cinnamon sugar donut for me.

Second stop – She likes throw pillows. So, a bit of fun looking at pillows … and other cool stuff. Love this hanging chair. Oh my gosh. I could have stayed there for a while. 💙💙💙

Last stop – A beautiful sunset walk. Ahhhhh …. It’s great to be home!

The Grace of Icicles and Trees and Sun and Soft Untouched Snow

February 5 2019:

“When you walk in the mist, you get wet.” – Zen Master Dogen …

Graceful icicles today as the snow melted. Along with the amazing sun. 💦☀️

February 6 2019:

Today was library volunteer day. Lillian and I couldn’t resist the lil garden behind the library. Wonderful, untouched, soft, fluffy snow! Along with a beautiful blue sky and gorgeous trees. That and some deep belly laughs = Ahhhhhh!!!

February 8 2019:

Love the way the trees frame the sun … from a walk yesterday.

February 9 2019:

… from the hour long walk yesterday. It was perfect timing to have this walk, then write about walking, and what it means for me.

Since the first week of January I’ve submitted seven writings of either a trio of poems or an essay style writing. We shall see if any are accepted or chosen. If not chosen, at least I’m creating new material for my blog and next book!

Fun and Snow and Tough and Beautiful and Amazing and Into the Mystic

January 6 2019:

Fun in the snow Sunday night. Snow at night is just magical. ❄️❄️❄️🖤🖤🖤

January 7 2019:

Tough, yet beautiful 5 mile walk yesterday. It’s quite the workout walking in wet, slushy snow. The amazing sky and beauty were worth it. ❄️💙

January 8 2019:

Walk with Lillian this afternoon. More beautiful sky and clouds. 💙❄️

January 12 2019:

On a walk Thursday .. I was trying to capture the dancing diamonds the sun was creating in the water. This photo absolutely did not capture it. So incredibly beautiful and mesmerizing. I stopped and watched the show for a bit. 💎💛💙

January 10 2019:

Into the Mystic by Van Morrison …. One of my ALL time favorite songs. Oh my gypsy soul … Goose bumps EVERY TIME! So much love …. xoxo … (Photo by me … )


Wild Horses and Beautiful and Wonderful and Gorgeous

December 26 2018:

Finally got to have the extra long walk today … after 2 weeks! I was blessed to see this beautiful family of wild horses hanging at the park. They were there when I began the walk and still there an hour later when I finished. Plus, beautiful wispy clouds. 💙💙💙

December 30 2018:

Wonderful walk yesterday afternoon …. so much love …. 💙💙💙

December 30 2018:

Gorgeous sunset last night …. Thanks to Lillian for calling my attention to it. Simply beautiful! 🧡💗💛

Spring Beauty and Almost Tennis and Windy and Amazing and Breathtaking

April 2 2018:

More Spring beauty …… One of my favorites!

Cherry Blossoms Vintage Lake Solo Walk 4.2.18

April 3 2018:

Thomas and I visited one of our favorite parks yesterday afternoon to hit tennis balls ….. Except …… Thomas put his racket down right before leaving so we arrived with one racket! Oh well … We made the best of it and had fun anyway! xoxo

Thomas & Camilla Tennis Virginia Foothills Park 4.3.18 #1 Thomas & Camilla Tennis Virginia Foothills Park 4.3.18 #2 Thomas & Camilla Tennis Virginia Foothills Park 4.3.18 #3 Thomas & Camilla Tennis Virginia Foothills Park 4.3.18 #4 Thomas & Camilla Tennis Virginia Foothills Park 4.3.18 #5 Thomas & Camilla Tennis Virginia Foothills Park 4.3.18 #6 Thomas & Camilla Tennis Virginia Foothills Park 4.3.18 #7 Thomas & Camilla Tennis Virginia Foothills Park 4.3.18 #8

April 5 2018:

Windy afternoon walk with amazing clouds. Plus, the white blooms have arrived! Nature’s art is truly breathtaking!

Solo Walk Vintage Lake 4.5.18 #1 Solo Walk Vintage Lake 4.5.18 #2 Solo Walk Vintage Lake 4.5.18 #3 Solo Walk Vintage Lake 4.5.18 #4

Feel the Joy by Camilla Downs

Joy, Oh What a Feeling
You effortlessly glide my way
Gently wrapping your wings of love
around me as I become dizzy with
your tingling embrace.

Joy says, “Write about me too!”
I am as important to feel
and be with as are the
unlovely feelings and emotions.

Feel me, physically feel me
Let yourself know that
you are worthy of the lovely
feelings too.

Feel me. Try not to cling
to me. I shall always …. Visit the below link to read further …

Poetry and Photography: Feel the Joy

Abundance is Thanking Mother Earth by Camilla Downs

Thank you to The Urban Howl!! It’s wonderful to find a place of belonging for one’s writings!! Wahooo!! xoxo

Do You Feel Nature’s Abundance?

I feel the frosty cold
embrace as You brush
across this body.
I feel and Know
your Abundance.

I touch and hug
the beautiful,
scarred and knotted
trees that sprout
and …. Go below to read further … xoxo

Nature’s Abundance by Camilla Downs

Frosty Embrace - Nature's Abundance 3.9.18

Nature’s Abundance

I feel the frosty cold
embrace as You brush
across this body.
I feel and Know
your Abundance.

I touch and hug
the beautiful,
scarred and knotted
trees that sprout
and grow from Your soil.
I feel and Know
your Abundance.

I delight in the sparkling
and unique snow flakes
as they drift from
the brooding clouds
above and lightly fall
upon this body.
I feel and Know
your Abundance.

Lo, even as I dodge
and walk through
the nuggets of
geese waste left
behind by these
majestic and
interesting creatures,
I feel and Know
your Abundance.

Yes, I feel Your abundance
I Know it now.

It’s been a ….. Go here to read more …

Poetry and Photography: Nature’s Abundance

Love on a Walk and Rainbow Peace and Natures Abundance

February 21 2018:

Discovered some love on a quick walk this morning. Then, when I got back home, rainbow peace greeted me! xoxo

Love on a Walk Heart Shapes and Peace Rainbow 2.21.18 #1 Love on a Walk Heart Shapes and Peace Rainbow 2.21.18 #2 Love on a Walk Heart Shapes and Peace Rainbow 2.21.18 #3

February 22 2018:

Solo walk earlier today for me. I stood next to this wonderful tree for a few minutes just soaking it in. It was a walk overflowing with knowing, noticing, and feeling natures abundance. xoxo

Solo Walk Cloudy Blue Sky Vintage lake 2.22.18

Beautiful Moments Together and Grateful for the Magic and Mystery

February 11 2018:

Cold walk with Thomas yesterday afternoon. Brrr! Winter is not done sharing with us yet. The cold was too much for my phone and it died, so no more photos after these. No matter. Thomas and I shared beautiful moments together.

Walk with Thomas Vintage Lake 2.11.18 #1 Walk with Thomas Vintage Lake 2.11.18 #2 Walk with Thomas Vintage Lake 2.11.18 #3 Walk with Thomas Vintage Lake 2.11.18 #4

February 13 2018:

I am so incredibly grateful for the magic and mystery of life. The mind stands in a stunned state, while my heart and soul say, “Yes, this is the way it can always be.”

Immensely grateful that I am listening and writing. As during journal writing a few mornings ago, the words that came forth finally helped me to understand something that I have been confused about for years.

And once I started applying it, over the past few days …..

Simply magical and jaw dropping results. Hugely, hugely, hugely grateful to and for all of you, Mother Nature, writing, and Thomas and Lillian.

Tree Caressing Sun The Vintage lLake February 2018

February 14 2018:

Amazing solo walk yesterday afternoon. Just WOW!!

I love the mystery of going for a walk and listening for that strong urge that whispers, “Take a picture now. Squat for this one. Kneel for this one. Lie down on the ground for this.” It’s so fun to see where it leads and the photos that are made. xoxo

Solo Walk Vintage Lake 2.14.18 #1 Solo Walk Vintage Lake 2.14.18 #2 Solo Walk Vintage Lake 2.14.18 #3 Solo Walk Vintage Lake 2.14.18 #4