Shining Star Bag by Camilla Downs

You can take
All the hearts
Nature puts forth

And put them 
All in a bag
Made of stars
Wrapped in a
Bow of beautiful
Green grass.

But there’ll be
Days when no
Matter the beauty
No matter the love
No matter the
Depth of knowing
How the Light
Shines within.

There’ll be days
When a heaviness
Envelops and that
Shining star bag
Full of love ….

Go here to read more …

Poetry and Photography: Shining Star Bag

The Light of Freedom by Camilla Downs

The Light of Freedom Poem Tree and Sunshine Photo 8.2017

The Light of Freedom

“It’s time to step into the flames of the fire. The time is now to connect with that which you fear from your past. The past no longer exists and cannot cause you harm. However, when it is avoided and sidestepped; it does indeed cause you harm.

This avoidance and sidestepping keeps you a prisoner of the past and held captive to a perceived smallness. As the flame grows, be still and know that you are not alone. Be still and know it cannot hurt you. It cannot consume you.

By bringing your light to the flames of the fire, it will be extinguished and transformed into the light of freedom.

The freedom to claim your power. The freedom to know who you are. The freedom to shine your light with others.

Be still. And Know.” – 2017, Camilla Downs, The Journal

One With All of Life

Sunset Vintage Lake with Tree and clouds 2016

“One with sun,
One with moon,
One with water,
One with trees,
One with soil,
One with wind,
One with birds and bees,
One with rain,
One with fire,
One with me,
One with all of life,
One with love.” ~2016 Camilla Downs, Lessons from Nature

Oh Beautiful Tree by Camilla Downs


“Nature knows not
Her beauty without us.
We know not
Our beauty, compassion,
And peace without her.”
Oh beautiful tree
The lessons thy impart to me
Open the heart to be free
Grateful to you
I will forever be.” Camilla Downs – Author, Lessons from Nature
(Picture in San Antonio along the Riverwalk July 2016)

Grow Where You Are by Camilla Downs

(San Antonio Riverwalk July 2016)

“Grow where you are,
Lest you spend precious time
Waiting to grow
Until you arrive someplace else.
For when one reaches the
Someplace else, there will
Always be the next someplace else.
Grow as your heart desires
from within,
To allow without to miraculously
Support ones growth.” –Camilla Downs – Author, Lessons from Nature


Strong Wind and Mindfulness and Thanksgiving

November 20 2016:

Thomas and I took a walk yesterday afternoon. Incredibly strong wind! It was so great and refreshing and we had a ball playing with the wind. xoxo


November 21 2016:

This mornings Walk With Me message: Mindfulness …. These tiny little rain drops caught my eye. Great message tree and water. Thank you ….

The practice of mindfulness can be trying … releasing thoughts of the past and future and focusing our entire being into whatever it is we are doing in that moment … it can seem like an internal tug of war. Yet, with practice it gets easier.



November 21 2016:

Wonderful walk with Thomas this afternoon!!!! So incredibly beautiful!!!! xoxo

walk-with-thomas-vintage-lake-11-21-16-1 walk-with-thomas-vintage-lake-11-21-16-2 walk-with-thomas-vintage-lake-11-21-16-3 walk-with-thomas-vintage-lake-11-21-16-4


November 22, 2016:

Lillian and I took a walk this afternoon. Just gorgeous! We stopped for a few minutes so she could share a bit about the extensive Thanksgiving post she shared a few days ago. xoxo


November 25 2016:

Beautiful, peaceful, and reflective walk yesterday. So wonderful that I got to see a blue billed duck. This is where I sat for a bit watching the ducks. xoxo

walk-and-ducks-vintage-lake-11-24-16-1 walk-and-ducks-vintage-lake-11-24-16-2 walk-and-ducks-vintage-lake-11-24-16-3 walk-and-ducks-vintage-lake-11-24-16-4


Watching and listening to the ducks yesterday. This was going on the entire time I sat there. Nature and animals are wonderful teachers. xoxo


Eternally at Peace

November 11 2016:

“Trunks and branches growing in opposite directions,
all with different views. Yet, you are eternally at peace.
Oh tree. You inspire me.” ~Camilla Downs – Author

You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one …. With each day my heart fills with more and more and more love and peace …. Yet, the love and peace is to be uncovered within before it is discovered without … xoxoxo
