Oh Beautiful Tree by Camilla Downs


“Nature knows not
Her beauty without us.
We know not
Our beauty, compassion,
And peace without her.”
Oh beautiful tree
The lessons thy impart to me
Open the heart to be free
Grateful to you
I will forever be.” Camilla Downs – Author, Lessons from Nature
(Picture in San Antonio along the Riverwalk July 2016)

Grow Where You Are by Camilla Downs

(San Antonio Riverwalk July 2016)

“Grow where you are,
Lest you spend precious time
Waiting to grow
Until you arrive someplace else.
For when one reaches the
Someplace else, there will
Always be the next someplace else.
Grow as your heart desires
from within,
To allow without to miraculously
Support ones growth.” –Camilla Downs – Author, Lessons from Nature


The Delicate Balance by Camilla Downs


“The delicate balance
Of life and death.
Without life
There is no death
Without death
There is no life
Death is life and
Life is death.” ~Camilla Downs – Author, Lessons of Nature