August 23 2022
Lillian Darnell and I returned to our once a week volunteering at the South Valleys Library today. First time back since February 2020! I forgot to get a photo so here’s an oldie!
September 9 2021
Just back from volunteering at the Humane Society. Check out the face of the first cat. I just could not stop looking at her, and thinking that is a freakin’ lion in a cats body! It felt like she wanted to rip our heads off! 😂🤣😂 To be fair, she has reason to look stern, as she is just there temporarily as part of the fire evacuations. (Editing to add: She is NOT available for adoption. She is just there temporarily due to fire evacuations.)
Thomas and I both wanted to bring home the cat in the last three photos. He was a sweetheart, just having arrived yesterday. He won’t be there long.
September 9 2021
Thomas loves this little theater, and was excited to see a play after not having been for well over a year.
July 9 2021
Thomas and I volunteered this afternoon. My gosh. There are some beautiful, sweet cats at the shelter currently.
The cat below was Thomas’s favorite. An old dude, 10 years old. My heart melts at how he is fond of the older cats. xoxo
July 15 2021
Tonight it was basketball for me and Thomas, and then a nighttime swim for me. It’s rare that the pool is empty in the evening. I just had to take advantage of it. Felt so good!
June 22 2021
We volunteered at The Humane Society yesterday. First time in nearly two years. This volunteer gig is driven solely by Thomas Darnell. I’m just his assistant as he’s not of the required age to be there on his own.
He was 12 when we went through the training (for cats). He’s 15 now, and has wanted a cat since about 10 years old. He’s very fond of the older cats, not caring much for the kittens.
October 7 2019:
Thomas and I volunteered at The Humane Society this morning. Helped decorate for Halloween and visited the cats a bit. Thomas took the photo of the sleeping cat.
October 12 2019:
Afternoon treat courtesy of my mom. She brought treats when she picked up Lillian for respite on Wednesday! Vegan Neapolitan cupcake! Yum!
April 9 2018:
These days it doesn’t seem I get anything done in a timely manner ….
Worked on my 2018 theme board a great deal of yesterday. Got everything gathered. Now to create! Perhaps this weekend.
2018 Theme (which I’ve known since December – just now getting to the creative part) ….. LEAP/JUMP with two supporting themes of LISTEN and TRUST supported with a solid base of LOVE and put forth through the action of WRITING. YAY!!!
April 12 2018:
Oh so yummy!!! Vegan hot dog … with ketchup, mustard, kosher dill pickle, habanero hot sauce, and piled high with arugula … That was incredibly good!!!
April 13 2018:
It was volunteer day at the Humane Society. This beautiful black cat was great fun! He had a ball playing with the bubbles. And look at the gorgeous eyes of the black and white cat!!! One brown and one green. What a handsome cat!! xoxo
September 7 2017:
First day volunteering at our home away from home! Thomas took a picture as we were leaving and we had Mary take a picture of us with our official badges!
Our library tour was easy since we already know everyone there and we already know the library layout having been going two or three times per month for the past ten years.
Lillian enjoyed getting to see behind the counter where the books are returned and where all the behind the scenes action takes place. We will be there every Wednesday from 2-4.
Thomas’ turn now! He wants to volunteer at the Nevada Humane Society working with cats and small animals. Orientation set for October 1st! He’s very excited!
Here’s a picture of Cinamon who was with me for 18 years (from the time she was a wee tiny one). Thomas got to have about five years with her before she crossed the Rainbow Bridge in 2010. xoxoxo