Peaceful and Wonderful and Wind and Leaves and Art and Clouds and Sunset

October 9 2016:

Such a peaceful and wonderful walk with Thomas this afternoon. We sat in the cool, green, shaded grass and watched a worm inch along, up and down blades of grass. These walks complete me …. Yes and thank you …. xoxo

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Mere words cannot describe how much I love this sound …. Soul love!! On the afternoon walk with Thomas today. xoxo


October 10, 2016:

It’s like the feeling when you slip into your favorite pair of comfy pants or slip into your favorite robe. That feeling. So wonderful …. Walk this morning … xoxo

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October 10 2016:

On a walk this afternoon with Lillian …. I ask her, “What do you feel is the purpose of art?”

My phone ran out of storage before she got done. Last point from Lillian, “You can see art in nature, and then you can share nature with others through art.” xoxoxo


October 11 2016:

Walk with Lillian yesterday afternoon …. Cool clouds!!! xoxo

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October 11 2016:

Such an amazing sunset last night. Lillian was adamant I must get outside and see it. She was right about that!! xoxo

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October 11 2016:

Just can’t get enough of this beautiful tree and leaves. She posed again for me this morning. xoxo



October 12 2016:

Sunset walk with two of my favorite people. Lillian and I spotted this gorgeous bush. The birds were singing and we had a nearly full moon. Felt so good, so right. Our walks inspire me.

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October 13 2016:

Walked out of the library today and this. I put everything down in my hands and looked at the magic nature creates. So amazing. Nature and photography inspire me. xoxo


Sunset Walk and Slow Down and Uncovering Life’s Truths

September 27 2016:

Sunset walk with Thomas and Lillian last night …. Which held a message I am moved to share.

At the Round Dance Thomas and I participated in on Sunday, we listened to the story of what the grandmas have to teach. Slow down and walk with them. It’s not often that the younger ones do slow down and walk with them. (Very condensed version)

I tied this in with how slowly Lillian walks. I have to consciously make myself slow down to her pace … And many times I find myself way ahead of her, having sped up again.

Last night I set an intention of walking at her pace. I stayed even with her almost the entire walk. Need to do that more often!

Slow down ….. Notice things usually gone unnoticed. Slow down. Notice who or what you may have left behind. Let go of the “things to do” …. For just a little while. xoxo



September 28 2016:

After dinner walk with Thomas tonight. As we were driving home on Sunday from the Round Dance gathering, he looked over at me and said, “I love you.”

He had such a meaningful experience and I’m so happy I took him with me. Blessed that we take these walks and uncover life’s truths together.

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September 30 2016:

I have no idea why this is sideways. Could have sworn I was holding it in a way to prevent this! Sorry! Thomas answers a question from a friend about sunrise and sunset …. xoxo