Reset Button and Beautiful Colors and Coots and Clarity walks

November 1 2016:

Beautiful afternoon walk ….. Going for walks is like pressing the reset button. So inspiring …. xoxo

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November 3 2016:

Thomas and I enjoyed a wonderful walk yesterday afternoon! Such fabulous clouds too! Beautiful colors abound!!

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November 3 2016:

I got to take Happy for a walk this morning and there was a beautiful pinkness in the distance. This kind of shows it, yet it was much more beautiful than this! xoxo



November 4 2016:

Oh so fabulous walk with Lillian yesterday afternoon. We stopped by a large gathering of coots who were eating grass. We stood in silence and listened to the sound of their grazing. It was incredibly beautiful and soothing. Similar to the sound of water running over rocks. xoxo

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November 4 2016:

Walk of clarity this morning!! Check out the ball floating in the middle of the lake. Is it hovering above the mountain or floating at the bottom of it? Perspective is a magical thing! xoxo


Catching Leaves and Wind and Shadows and Speak to Me

October 23 2016:

Beautiful walk with Thomas and Lillian this afternoon. We stopped for a while and caught the leaves as the wind blew them from the trees. Pure love. xoxo

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October 25 2016:

On our windy and chilly walk this afternoon, we paused for Lillian to share her thoughts on why the wind blows ….. xoxo


Afternoon walk with Lillian today. Windy and chilly and so beautiful!! We noticed how some of the trees are almost completely bare.

The color contrasts are mesmerizing. And, not to be forgotten, we looked at and played with our shadows 55 times in 33 different locations. 😉 ….. Our walks inspire me …. xoxo

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October 26 2016:

Natures gifts this beautiful morning …. glorious trees. How I love thee ….. Thank you. And we’ll have more please. xoxo

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October 27 2016:

More beautiful gifts from nature on my morning walk. A walk in hugely gusty winds. A walk which prompted me to say out loud, “Okay. Here I am. Speak to me.”

About 5 minutes later a young lady came up behind me as I was walking away from a spot I had been standing. She was yelling “Hello” to get my attention.

We chatted about photography, the lake and the different wildlife that visit, writing, poetry, and getting out of ones own way to create from the heart.

Turns out she’s a 15 year old student at Wooster High and is currently taking a Spoken Word Poetry class. She was so excited to be talking with me.

We were practically alone out there as the weather was shifting to heavier wind and rain. She asked if I’d come speak to their class. Of course I will!

I know I am to begin speaking more so if you ask, I’ll most likely say yes! A little bit after getting home I received an email asking if I’d be willing to be a speaker on a panel next month. Of course. Yes! Thank you and I’ll have more please. xoxo



On the morning walk …. a short video of nothing …. and everything. xoxo

Thank You Angels and Living Life and No Television and Magpie

August 28 2016:

Sunset walk with Thomas tonight. I finished. I did it! Our part of the book is all but finished. It’s with an editor now and we will simply be adding quotes Thomas chose and then it’s off! 188 pictures and 19 categories. Finished at 2:44 … Now that’s amazing. Thank you angels! Wahoo!!! I did it!!

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On our sunset walk last night, I asked Thomas his thoughts about our “living in a tiny home” adventures. Thomas’ personality really shines in this one!!


August 29 2016:

Morning walk. I don’t know what it is about these beautiful and graceful creatures that brings such joy to my heart. What a gift this morning! Four cormorants drying together and one in the famous bat pose. So inspiring. xoxo



August 30, 2016:

Sunset walk for all three of us last night. The sky, clouds, and sun put on an amazing show.

And Wahooo!!! Just sent everything to the local book publisher who is working with us to get Thomas’ book published! It is done! It is done! Hallelujah! You can still pre-order too!! Oceans and oceans of gratitude to those who have pre-ordered, shared, liked, and commented. xoxo

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August 31 2016:

Lillian and I very much enjoyed our walk last night. This time she shares her thoughts about life without television. Kinda goes long as we had some worries about passing dogs! Would you like a question answered by Lillian and Thomas? Let us know. xoxo


September 2 2016:

Lillian and I found a really cool spot to sit Tuesday night on our walk. So peaceful and quiet. I just love going for walks with her, soaking it in, and taking pictures to capture the view. xoxo

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September 3 2016:

Beautiful black-billed magpie caught my ears yesterday. Such a pretty call they have. Made me look up … And glad I did!!! xoxo …. Go here to hear the call if you’d like ……/Black-billed_Magpie/sounds


Your Strength is My Strength

August 20 2016:


“All that you witness I may never know.
Your strength is my strength.
Your patience reminds.
Your flexibility inspires.
As we dance this life together I reveal your beauty to you,
and you reveal my beauty to me.
Shall we dance?” ~Camilla Downs

I Shall Walk the Path

August 13 2016:


“Though I see not where it leads,
I shall walk the path.
It’s not about where it leads,
it’s about how joyfully I shine my light
as I walk the path.” ~Camilla Downs

Walking and Nature and Love and Exploring

August 2 2016:

Lillian and I had a beautiful walk last night. Walking with Thomas and Lillian inspires me and I’m blessed they feel the same. xoxo

August 3 2016:

Took our nightly read-out-loud-together to the park last night. Also had our family walk and threw the football and frisbee.

Yesterday was a day of intensely sad emotions. I’m blessed this is the way we ended our day. Nature and love are good medicine. xoxo


August 6, 2016:

Sunset walk with Lillian last night. Noticeably cooler with a wonderful breeze. So much joy in exploring trees, leaves, and shadows. Plus we found this cool feather to research and discover its owner. xoxo

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Keep Alive the Nature Connection

August 6 2016:


I began taking Thomas and Lillian for walks when they were both infants. Having not tried to introduce going for walks and relighting the spark of wonder at a later age, I’m not sure how this would work with older children. Thomas is 10 years old now and Lillian is 14 years old. Each of them treasure our walks together and if we skip more than 2 days, they notice and bring it up. [ 772 more words. ]

13 Ways to Keep Alive Your Childs Nature Connection


Camilla and Thomas July 2016 Date Day

August 4 2016:

Thomas and Camilla July (a little late) 2016 Date – After dinner we headed to Icecyle Creamery for dessert. Then to Audrey Harris Park to enjoy our ice cream while taking in the view and listening to Frank Sinatra and the like.

Next we walked the loop down to Bartley Ranch and back up. And for the drive home, chatting and more Sinatra and Flying to the Moon. So incredibly awesome. Thomas commented as we were nearing the end of the loop … “I wish this would never end … ” And so it is …

Yes! Thank you, and I’ll have more please! We get to choose, we get to choose it all in this life of ours ….. And we took that first step yesterday!! Wahooo!!!! xoxoxo

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Wonders Of Nature by Lillian

Hey there, everyone! This post is about wonders nature can give you if you look closely. Hope this helps nature lovers and other people who want to be nature lovers or likers. Enjoy these wonders I listed below.

At Washoe Lake, Thomas, Camilla, and Lillian (which is me) found gypsum rocks. I picked a big gypsum rock to keep. Camilla had found a hand sized gypsum rock that had shimmered to catch Camilla’s attention. Camilla had said that the gypsum rock told her, “I’m yours!” and that is one wondrous thing especially if you’re a rock lover.

Also at Washoe Lake, Thomas found a piece of slate and a different mineral or rock. When we got home, he washed both and cleaned both. That is a miraculous thing to find by a lake.

At home, I found petrified wood and I was amazed by the wood turned into stone. It’s a very cool thing to have. I found out that blue goldstone and goldstone were pretty and can have healing powers.

Amethyst can look pretty and have healing powers too. Quartz is always pretty and if you look closely you can see a rainbow and it has some healing powers as well. Sandstone is our state stone and it’s amazing how sand turns into stone.

I was surprised to find out that we had hematite in our home. It’s also very pretty but it’s a natural wonder. Malachite is very pretty and almost the same as hematite.

When we were walking at Rancho San Rafael Park, we saw a hummingbird and I had never seen one before. I think hummingbirds represent nature in different ways. I also saw a blue jay that same day. I think blue jays resemble the mountains. When walking here at home, I saw a Little Egret and Egret. I think egrets represent snow and lake.

In one of our previous homes, we saw California quails. I think it was a great experience! I also think that quails represent land and sky together. Coots are amazing. I think Coots represent the night sky.

I saw a woodpecker last autumn pecking a dead tree and that was amazing. I think that woodpeckers represent dirt. I saw a hawk eating something and it attracted a crowd. I thought that was very awesome! A hawk represents fertilizer to me.

I had never seen a dove up close until 2014 to last year. I think a dove represents an angel from “heaven”. I also hadn’t seen Canadian geese up close until last summer. I think a Canadian goose represents earth.

Camilla, Thomas, and I saw two pelicans not too long ago and I think pelicans represent floppy paper. All these natural wonders remind us that natural wonders are around us all the time. Look around you and you’ll see natural natural wonders no matter where you look. I hope you visit my blog, Thomas’s blog, and Camilla’s blog.

Gorgeous Sandstone!

Peaceful and Wonderful and Wind and Leaves and Art and Clouds and Sunset

October 9 2016:

Such a peaceful and wonderful walk with Thomas this afternoon. We sat in the cool, green, shaded grass and watched a worm inch along, up and down blades of grass. These walks complete me …. Yes and thank you …. xoxo

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Mere words cannot describe how much I love this sound …. Soul love!! On the afternoon walk with Thomas today. xoxo


October 10, 2016:

It’s like the feeling when you slip into your favorite pair of comfy pants or slip into your favorite robe. That feeling. So wonderful …. Walk this morning … xoxo

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October 10 2016:

On a walk this afternoon with Lillian …. I ask her, “What do you feel is the purpose of art?”

My phone ran out of storage before she got done. Last point from Lillian, “You can see art in nature, and then you can share nature with others through art.” xoxoxo


October 11 2016:

Walk with Lillian yesterday afternoon …. Cool clouds!!! xoxo

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October 11 2016:

Such an amazing sunset last night. Lillian was adamant I must get outside and see it. She was right about that!! xoxo

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October 11 2016:

Just can’t get enough of this beautiful tree and leaves. She posed again for me this morning. xoxo



October 12 2016:

Sunset walk with two of my favorite people. Lillian and I spotted this gorgeous bush. The birds were singing and we had a nearly full moon. Felt so good, so right. Our walks inspire me.

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October 13 2016:

Walked out of the library today and this. I put everything down in my hands and looked at the magic nature creates. So amazing. Nature and photography inspire me. xoxo
