I Can Do Anything

November 6 2016:

I was drawn to watch this short 3 minute video just now. Although I have moved on from some of the roles and advocacy from this time in my life, this served as a reminder for me in this moment.

This is the video journey that accompanies the book I wrote and published in 2012, D iz for Different – One Woman’s Journey to Acceptance.

I CAN do anything I decide and choose I’m going to do ….. AND …. so can YOU! And it will be a success as long as we do it from love and with love. LOVE will free us all … xoxo

The Language You Speak

November 4 2016:

“Your reflection draws the attention,
even from afar.
My heart and soul know
the language you speak.
Your message forever more comforting.
I love you.” ~Camilla Downs


You Lift Me

October 29 2016:

“When I’m tired, you lift me.
When my thoughts have settled on sadness,
you hold a gentle space for me.
You remind me to unfold with life
and help me remember to simply be.” ~ Camilla Downs


Support Team TLC

October 17 2016:


A homeschool facebook group I’m a member of just began a Monday thread of sharing what one does so as to support one another. Thought I’d share here too for anyone who is inclined to support Team TLC … xoxoxo … Feel free to add a link or comment as to what you do in the comments … When there’s time and availability, we are open to trading …

1) Thomas, my 10 year old, completed a 365 a day photography project when he was 9 years old and we’ve published that into a Photography/Gift/Inspiration book. It’s being printed and bound this week! YAY! Go here to learn more and watch the short 2 minute trailer …https://BiggestLittlePhotographer.com

2) As a family we assist other families with errands and to-do lists. We are pretty swamped (YAY), yet we have room for a bit more. One of our jobs is for 4 months (September – December)! Wahoo! Go here to learn more about our services ….. https://theteamtlc.com/team-tlc-errand-services/ … This is also our family blog so stick around over there and perhaps get some ideas.

3) Lillian, my special needs 15 year old, creates abstract art and sells prints …https://lilliandarnell.com/lillians-art/ …. She is also an aspiring writer and has some great content on her blog at https://LillianDarnell.com ….

Also, also, she reads a TON and recommends books on her blog. If you click through to any of the books on amazon to learn more and end up purchasing anything at all, we get a few cents. And it doesn’t cost you any more than it would have if you had not gone through her link.

4) I am also a writer. I have one published book, “D iz for Different – One Woman’s Journey to Acceptance” … https://camilladowns.com/books/ ….

I write book and movie recommendations also. The same concept applies regarding the amazon links … https://camilladowns.com/category/book-and-movie-musings/ … I write poetry also that I usually pair with one of the nature photographs I have taken … https://camilladowns.com/category/photography-musings/ and https://camilladowns.com/category/poetry/

I sell custom created poems and poetry which I handwrite on recycled materials and sometimes include a painted rock to accompany.https://camilladowns.com/mystique-boutique/

I am a certified coach and offer unique coaching sessions paired with a walk in domestic nature. https://camilladowns.com/walk-with-me/

And, lastly, I write on my blog simply to share what I feel inspired to share. Most of my writings have to do with mindfulness, emotional connection, spirituality, and loving kindness. I share from the heart and always using myself and my family as the base of sharing. https://camilladowns.com/

5) I am available to speak to groups having do do with any of the above as an inspirational speaker. And now Thomas and I will be available to speak as a mom and son duo about his photography to book journey.

Your Strength is My Strength

August 20 2016:


“All that you witness I may never know.
Your strength is my strength.
Your patience reminds.
Your flexibility inspires.
As we dance this life together I reveal your beauty to you,
and you reveal my beauty to me.
Shall we dance?” ~Camilla Downs

Walk With Me Camilla – Birdsongs

September 9 2016:

Just back from a walk with my first “Walk With Me” client who is at the beginning stages of learning the art of mindfulness and letting go of many things. Our mindful walk was the perfect piece to add to the clients tool bag.

Listen to the serenade we received from the birds and what a treat with the abundance of wildlife.



Walks and Wildlife – Team TLC Bird And Animal Life List

September 4 2016:

We have been keeping a running list of birds and other animal life that we’ve gotten to experience since last August 2015. Thought it’d be fun to share it with YOU! Here it is in no particular order. I just added to it when I remembered. xoxoxo


Blue-Billed Ducks

Snowy Egret



Freshwater turtles

Ducks and ducklings

Geese and goslings

Eurasian or American Coots

One White Goose

Black birds


Song birds




Black Necked Stilt


Nutria or muskrat (not sure which)

Black-billed magpie

Peregrine Falcon



Monarch butterfly

Swallowtail butterflies

Garter snakes





