Throwback Post: Library Time With an Abundance of Gratitude


November 30 2014:

Forgot to post our library picture yesterday afternoon! Yep! We’re crazy wild about these things called books. It’s a permanent entry on our calendar every 2 weeks!


November 30 2013:

Library time … we committed our first random act of kindness too! Wahoo! Let the kindness adventures begin!


November 30 2012:

Thomas’ gratitude for today:

I’m thankful and grateful to have our house that we live in.


November 30 2012:

As this month of sharing publicly what I am thankful for comes to an end … I’m signing off with this one …. I am grateful for ME, thankful that I chose to journey within myself to discover my true inner self, my purpose, my passion, and my unique gift … I’m glad y’all are part of this journey … Big Warm Hug!! Here’s a post I wrote about this back in September …


Lillian’s gratitude for today:

I am thankful for Christmas coming and for having my iPhone working again.


November 30 2011:

Today I am thankful for those who are helping make my book, D iz for Different, a reality! I’m finalizing the edits this week and submitting to my lovely editor, Sara! Thank you Sara and thank you Natalie for helping with the book cover. Thank you Paulina for the team TLC photo session. Thank you Daniel for your awesome artwork. Thank you Debe for the connection with Jim Stovall which resulted in a beautiful endorsement. And, thank you to the women of the WOW writer’s club. What we started just over a year ago has become so much more . . . Thank you Kymberlee, Cheri, Glenna, Lisa, Clare, Karyn, Beverly, Emma, Jamie, Susan, Kimberly and Rachel! Thankful, blessed and grateful . . .


Throwback Post: Thankful for Patience


November 27 2012:

Today I am thankful for patience and that somehow it surfaces in me when I need it most. I’m grateful that I can have a “down” day, when all seems so heavy, and wake up the next day vital, fresh and renewed with the knowing that all is as it should be knowing that “every little thing’s gonna be alright …. ” Big warm hugs y’all!! – Camilla

Throwback Post: Massage With Sickness and Gifts With Dinner


December 21 2015:

Thank you Michaela Koenig for the amazing, comforting, nurturing, releasing massage this morning. So, so, so wonderful!! And thank you for being open to trading! For the past 3 months I’ve been doing much work with myself to release deeply buried thought patterns and just some icky stuff. Much of what I had been working on had reached the surface and Michaela’s beautiful healing hands and space helped much of it release. In order to help others, we must let ourselves be helped by others as well! So grateful Michaela!! xoxo


December 21 2013:

As I was glued to my bed yesterday evening letting my body get rid of that mean ole bug, I overheard Thomas saying, “Making dinner is hard work.” He had to make their breakfast, lunch and warm leftovers for dinner. He came and told me now he knows how much time I put into making breakfast, lunch and dinner. He wanted to wash the dishes too but I talked him into waiting until today. Lillian kept asking how I was doing and suggested I have a hot soak in the tub. So awesomely blessed by these two! Feeling much better today! Whew!!


In just one week, $7,762 has been raised. Your sharing and donations have come from and traveled the world. Indiana, Tennessee, Louisiana, Kentucky, Texas, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Illinois, Hawaii, California, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maine, Maryland, Utah, Michigan, Ohio, Oregon, Colorado, Kansas, Mississippi, Rhode Island, Missouri, United Kingdom, Sweden, Finland, Malaysia, Australia, and New Zealand. I thank you from the depths of my soul and cannot wait until I have the opportunity to pay your acts of kindness forward! Thank you to my Jr High School friends, my Mississippi friends, my Chromosome 18 family, my Mississippi family, Nevada friends, facebook friends and people I don’t even know … Oceans of love and hugs to all y’all!!


Thank YOU to whoever left these surprises at our front door! Team TLC is hugely grateful for your kindness and thoughtfulness! xoxo


December 21 2012:

The “Meet People for Coffee” Adventure has begun!!! What fun chatting with you Bruce!! This is gonna be such a great and meaningful adventure!! Bring it!!


Yummy dinner adventures at The Romano Casa! They feed us sooooo GOOD!!!

Throwback Post: Library Days With Blessings and the Car Manual


December 27 2015:

Team TLC Library Day … Ventured out to Spanish Springs since it’s been so long since we last visited. Beautiful library! Found some good stuff!!


December 27 2014:

Books for the LOVE of it … Enjoying our library time!


December 27 2013:

A truck to use for moving, a job offer, another potential job opportunity, several writing opportunities, a blog set up, a place to stay with another family if needed, and $8,414 … in just 2 weeks of creating and sharing my blog post. My heart and soul overflow with gratitude and love for all y’all! I am staying open to all opportunities, blessings and miracles that arise. I will be creating a monthly package for ongoing blog maintenance as soon as I get this house packed. More purging and packing today and dropping off an application for an apartment. I like that the give away pile is growing bigger than the keep pile!


December 27 2012:

I sure am glad that cars come with these handy little books that tell you how to do “stuff” with the car. Oil, transmission fluid and coolant all checked today. That poor baby was thirsty, needed oil and antifreeze.


December 27 2010:

Thomas was eating chips and picante sauce with me. Said “Mmmmm, this is good! I’ve got hot sauce tongue” – and then kept on eating and eating and eating it! Gotta get this kid down to a real crawfish boil one day soon and see how he likes that!

The Loving Kindness of Others – With Gratitude

January 23 2023

I have amazing news to share. On Saturday we were gifted a vehicle! A friend’s neighbor hasn’t been able to drive her car for about a year. My friend explained to her what had happened to our car and asked how much she wanted for it.

My friend messaged me in tears to tell me that her neighbor wanted to gift me the car. 😭 Then I was in tears, too! 😭 I went to see her on Saturday. She would not accept any money from me and I came home in the gifted vehicle.

It’s taken me since Saturday to accept that this happened. You would think I would have been elated! However, I waxed and waned between feeling like I didn’t deserve this, being grateful for it, and thinking people would think I’d taken advantage of this beautiful, kind woman.

Thank you so much to everyone who shared encouraging thoughts, sent love and hugs, shared your stories, and who donated! It means the world!! 🥰😍🥰

Throwback Post: Warm Blanket of Love and Memories


November 27 2014:

This morning I woke to a strong, warm blanket of love and memories.

Thoughts and visions of childhood Thanksgivings. The love, laughter, silliness, and craziness. Love shared with cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents. And then came a wave of memories of old friendships and special moments; including moments where I’ve not been at my best and asking for forgiveness. It was so very special and filled my heart with love.

I am thankful for this. May your hearts be open to give and receive unconditional, compassionate love today … xoxo

(Camilla – 2014 – Washoe Lake)

Throwback Post: Gratitude With Black Eyed Peas and Kielbasa


December 30 2013:

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you …. from Team TLC! “Generosity brings happiness at every stage of its expression” from a book I’m reading right now titled, “Invisible Acts of Power” by Caroline Myss. Great book! …. and this quote too, “We do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. Once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit.” -E. E. Cummings … Oceans and Oceans of gratitude and love! xoxo

I’m going out to throw snowballs with a young man who shines so brightly! YAY!! So blessed I get to be Thomas’ Mom!! I’ll probably last 10 minutes before my face freezes!


December 30 2011:

Just got home with the ham hocks and black eyed peas for News Years Day!! My Momma would disown me if I didn’t have that on the 1st! Thomas and Lillian eat an obligatory one pea and chow down on the ham hocks! Now if we could just get that Star Trek transporter thingy workin, she could transport me some of her cornbread . . .


Thank you Maria Kendzierski Barber for letting me come to your house and interview and observe you and Lila and little sister Nora as part of the final project for my certification as a Special Needs Life Coach! Both Lila and Nora are adorable and have wonderful personalities! You are an amazing, kind, patient and persevering Mom . . . Bless you for that Maria! Happy New Year to the Barber family!!!


December 30 2010:

Very Noddy (Buckbean Brewing Company) Polska Kielbasa with sweet onions! Yummmmmmyyyyy! Can’t wait to sink my teeth into this!

Throwback Post: Walks With a Hallway Picnic and Gratitude


July 15 2014:

Another beauty from our Spring Break walks …♡


Lillian’s snickerdoodle came out of the package smiling at her! Cool! Even cookies spread HAPPY! ♡


July 15 2013:

Vaulting Camp Adventures for Thomas!! Busy day!!


July 15 2012:

Too hot to eat at the table so we’re having a Team TLC hallway picnic!! Hope y’all are enjoying your dinner too!!


July 15 2011:

Happy 4th of July from Team TLC!!! Happy Birthday USA! There are no words to describe my gratitude to the BRAVE men and women who did what they did for us way back when …. FREEDOM is a treasure and a gift … Blessed to live with freedom every single day, live my life the way I see fit and choose, and pursue my life and my family’s life as I see fit …. Seize the FREEDOM we have been gifted …


July 2011


July 15 2009:

Throwback Post: Kindness With a Chromosome Lesson While Sharing Gratitude


July 20 2015:

One of my most favorite quotes in a great book we received today!! Sam is a C18 buddy who has 18q-. YAY Monica Tello McDivitt!!! Can’t wait to meet you and Sam face to face next year in San Antonio!!


Went to Trader Joe’s today to stock up on food for the Chromosome 18 Conference. Since we’re driving this year, we get to take our own food! YAY! Thomas told the cashier about our plans and she wanted to know all about a chromosome 18 conference. Got to give another person a mini chromosome lesson. Always seems to be the cashiers at Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods who ask to know more. So friendly!! Here we are at the 2013 conference farewell dinner. xoxo


July 20 2011:

I suggested to Thomas and Lillian that we make a poster to thank the organizations and people that made it possible for us to attend the Chromosome 18 Conference. They took the initiative and each wrote a blog post too! They bless me tons and tons!