Happy 11th Birthday Thomas

November 13 2016:


He wanted cheesecake for his cake. So that’s what I made for him with shaved dark chocolate on top. Oh my YUM!!!

He so loves and enjoys reading National Geographic so I got him a subscription for the print edition. Lillian made a handmade card and then a “mystery box” (which he renamed a “memory box”).

With help from me she collected items from around the house to put in the box and then she handmade a coupon for one stone or crystal from Stone Age with some of her own quotes on the back. Other goodies from The Romano Duo!!

“We’re the weirdest people I know.” ~Thomas Darnell (11.8.16) …. To which we both burst out laughing and let even more weirdness ensue. It’s true. I’m not your average person, nor the average mom. But, that’s another story for another time ….This one’s for Thomas ….

Happy Happy Happy 11th Birthday Thomas!!!!

Here’s to you! As you begin your 11th trip around the sun, may you live your life to the fullest. You have blessed me with countless gifts from the moment you joined us.

Your tender heart combined with your honesty, compassion, and empathy are indeed precious. Rounded out with your true confusion as to why age seems to be such a big deal in this world, by way if its limitations; have made for interesting, fun, and life shifting adventures and conversations. Your soul knows no age and you have not forgotten that.

“It’s like I’ve lived this life before, I have nostalgia almost every day, like I’ve experienced this all before.” said often by Thomas.

Snapshot of Thomas: Some of his favorite topics are minecraft, LEGOS, coding, math, and learning about topics that interest him. He loves fibonacci numbers, bernoulli’s equation, and the law of infinite probability. Some of his most cherished things to do are reading, being outside, going on adventures, and swimming.

And as of about two weeks ago, has a PUBLISHED BOOK!!! Wahoooo!!!

He asks a billion questions, makes funny noises, teases his sister too much, has sensory processing issues, gets overwhelmed in crowds and noisy places, takes longer than the average person to process questions asked of him ….

He calls me out when I’m not “doing” as I say, he holds the biggest freakin mirror in front of me when I need it most, and he has a heart of gold.

Thomas, I love you throughout all of time and all dimensions and am blessed we chose to be mother and son in this life.


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November 14 2016:

Birthday treat for the 11 year old this morning.

The most amazing vegan root beer float with coconut bliss ice cream and Oogave root beer. Plus a treat for me: Aztec D’oro, made with almond milk.

But first, a toast to Thomas’ 11th trip around the sun with this amazing and yummy water.

Thank you Great Full Gardens for the birthday discount … we are over the super moon thankful to you for that!!!

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Biggest Little Photographer to Meg and Buttercup

November 11 2016:

Thank you Barbara Richmond Chastain!!!! We got to deliver three books to Barb this afternoon! She bought one for herself and one for Buttercup and Meg since they are famous now!!!!

Actually, she’s very excited to be gifting the books to her grandkids. Barb’s place has its very own section in the book. We love you Barb and Buttercup and Meg too!!

A visit to Barbara Richmond Chastain’s place is always a treat. Thomas says, “Every time we come here, you two spend more time talking then I do riding Meg.” Told him that I was sorry about that and he said, “That’s okay. I wasn’t complaining. It was just an observation.”

Barb: Your grace, patience, kindness, and acceptance of Thomas and his abundance of and nonstop questions is wonderful. Thank you. xoxo

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Signing and Mailing Books and Creating and Courage and Learning and Library of Congress

October 30 2016:

It’s a great day to sign books and get em ready to be mailed tomorrow. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone!!!

Want one? Want to help spread the word? Want to host a book signing? Want to sell the book in your gift shop? Let us know.

Also available for fundraisers! Blog post upcoming with a behind the scenes look of the book coming to life. xoxo



October 31 2016:

It’s a perfect day to mail Biggest Little Photographer to Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana, California, Illinois, Montana, Nevada, London, and Finland!!!

Whew!! That was a huge stack of packages!!! Have fun Mr. Minifigure Photographer. xoxo



November 1 2016:

Thank you Renee Portnell! May you and Casey enjoy and be inspired!! It’s a magical feeling when others are moved and inspired by something one has created purely for the sake of creating. Create on! xoxo



November 2 2016:

Thank you Loretta Zatica Bonilla for supporting Thomas‘ creativity!! Being an artist and putting forth your creations to the public is a courageous endeavor indeed! Oceans of gratitude to everyone for your support!



November 3 2016:

Thank you Kat McLain for contributing to the success of Thomas’ book. Although she was looking as beautiful as ever, Kat didn’t feel her best and opted out of a picture.

However! We took a picture of the V8 Cafe which Mr. Minifigure captured a photo of and it’s on page 4 for those that already have a book.

Kat: We are truly blessed to have known you over these past 8 or so years. Thank you, thank you!! xoxo



November 3 2016:

We got to pick up the second round of books today!!!!! Thomas is still trying to process the accolades and compliments. Great experience and learning opportunities for him!! Sending out oceans of gratitude to all! xoxo



November 4 2016:

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!! We just got an email back from The Discovery Museum that they would LOVE to have a book signing there AND to sell Biggest Little Photographer in the gift shop!! Discovery Museum picture on page 3 of the book.

We are so excited and thrilled! Stay tuned for the date and time. So FUN!! So grateful and blessed for everyone’s support and cheering! xoxo

Would you like to host a signing, have us as an inspiring mom and son duo to speak for your group, sell in your gift shop, or use the book for a fundraiser? Let us know! Yippeee!



November 4 2016:

It was a great day to mail a book to the Library of Congress! And to Missouri and Florida.

That adds to Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana, California, Illinois, Montana, Nevada, London, and Finland. With orders from Singapore and Sweden too!!!!

I love love. xoxo



November 5 2016:

Thanks so much for your support Kathy Fuetsch!!! It was great to see you and Caitlin Fuetsch!!!! Grateful, grateful, grateful …. xoxo



Steps Along the Journey

October 30 2016:


This book, Biggest Little Photographer, represents the fruition of a desire. Yet, within that is the message that the steps along the journey of ones desire are what comprises life itself. It’s sure to inspire with great quotes; almost all of which were chosen by Thomas (some by me). I’ve placed it in the photography/gift/inspiration category as these are most fitting. [ 709 more words ]

Go here to read the full story … https://camilladowns.com/…/biggest-little-photographer-arri…/

Holistic Health Fair and Biggest Little Photographer

October 29 2016:

I got to attend a Holistic Health Fair. It was incredibly wonderful and so beautiful! And two lovely ladies bought Thomas’ book! YAY!

A picture of me with some of the lovely ladies and some of our feet! HA! Mine are the bare feet!

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Thank you Kathy and Carole for loving Thomas’ book, what it represents, and buying one!!!! So blessed I got to spend the afternoon with you ladies. Just beautiful!!! xoxo

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Thomas is Published Now – Picking Up First Order of Books

October 28 2016:

Still trying to wrap my mind around this. That it is complete. We just got home from picking up the first order of books.

It’s sure to inspire with great quotes; almost all of which were chosen by Thomas (some by me). This book represents the fruition of a desire. Yet, within that is the message that the steps along the journey of ones desire are what comprises life itself.

Would you be interested in helping us spread the word? We’ll have an official launch sometime in the next two weeks. Comment here or message me if you’d like to help the launch. It will be super easy …. Like an email blast or blog post.

This is not your typical photography book, yet, I’m heartfuly positive it will not disappoint.

All the photos were taken by Thomas when he was 8 and 9 years old. I’ve placed it in the photography/gift/inspiration category as these are most fitting.

Want one (Go here)? Want to help spread the word? Want to host a book signing? Want to sell it in your shop? Let us know.

We overflow with oceans of gratitude for everyone who has touched, supported, and sent good juju to this project.


Support Team TLC

October 17 2016:


A homeschool facebook group I’m a member of just began a Monday thread of sharing what one does so as to support one another. Thought I’d share here too for anyone who is inclined to support Team TLC … xoxoxo … Feel free to add a link or comment as to what you do in the comments … When there’s time and availability, we are open to trading …

1) Thomas, my 10 year old, completed a 365 a day photography project when he was 9 years old and we’ve published that into a Photography/Gift/Inspiration book. It’s being printed and bound this week! YAY! Go here to learn more and watch the short 2 minute trailer …https://BiggestLittlePhotographer.com

2) As a family we assist other families with errands and to-do lists. We are pretty swamped (YAY), yet we have room for a bit more. One of our jobs is for 4 months (September – December)! Wahoo! Go here to learn more about our services ….. https://theteamtlc.com/team-tlc-errand-services/ … This is also our family blog so stick around over there and perhaps get some ideas.

3) Lillian, my special needs 15 year old, creates abstract art and sells prints …https://lilliandarnell.com/lillians-art/ …. She is also an aspiring writer and has some great content on her blog at https://LillianDarnell.com ….

Also, also, she reads a TON and recommends books on her blog. If you click through to any of the books on amazon to learn more and end up purchasing anything at all, we get a few cents. And it doesn’t cost you any more than it would have if you had not gone through her link.

4) I am also a writer. I have one published book, “D iz for Different – One Woman’s Journey to Acceptance” … https://camilladowns.com/books/ ….

I write book and movie recommendations also. The same concept applies regarding the amazon links … https://camilladowns.com/category/book-and-movie-musings/ … I write poetry also that I usually pair with one of the nature photographs I have taken … https://camilladowns.com/category/photography-musings/ and https://camilladowns.com/category/poetry/

I sell custom created poems and poetry which I handwrite on recycled materials and sometimes include a painted rock to accompany.https://camilladowns.com/mystique-boutique/

I am a certified coach and offer unique coaching sessions paired with a walk in domestic nature. https://camilladowns.com/walk-with-me/

And, lastly, I write on my blog simply to share what I feel inspired to share. Most of my writings have to do with mindfulness, emotional connection, spirituality, and loving kindness. I share from the heart and always using myself and my family as the base of sharing. https://camilladowns.com/

5) I am available to speak to groups having do do with any of the above as an inspirational speaker. And now Thomas and I will be available to speak as a mom and son duo about his photography to book journey.

Shining Moments and Another Milestone and Library

August 14 2016:

Some of the best learning and teaching moments simply sneak up on us and happen! xoxo

A couple of Shining Moments from last week – Sent with love and blessings that you be in the moment and aware of the shining moments that happen in your own life in this upcoming week and always … xoxo

I took Thomas with me to the post office on Thursday and let him do the talking and paying. The lady behind the counter said at least 3 times how awesome she thought it was that I am teaching him how to mail something.

She said so many of the teens and young adults don’t know how to mail something. I had not really put thought into this. I had not pre-planned this post office trip with him so that he could learn something. It just happened naturally as we were standing in line. What a blessing!

We went to Trader Joe’s on Wednesday. I told Thomas and Lillian they could pick out a cheese while I got some other things. They spent a long time looking at all the cheeses and they know we don’t have much money right now.

I could hear them discussing it and in that moment time stood still and I knew everything is perfect, happening perfectly, and that everything will be okay and perfect! They chose one that was inexpensive but also a cheese they wanted. xoxo


August 18 2016:

Reached another milestone today for Thomas’ book, Biggest Little Photographer! I had intended to be further by end of day tomorrow, yet, it’s great progress! We tremendously appreciate the shares, likes, and comments whenever I post about it here or on one of our blogs!

It helps us incredibly when we receive pre-orders. If you were planning on getting a book, come on over to Thomas’ website and check it out. There’s a cool 2 minute book trailer too! xoxoxo

(Here’s one of the photos in the book in honor of Library Day this weekend!) Due out mid to late Fall 2016 and will make awesome birthday or holiday gifts (or even Thank You gifts if you want to order in bulk). Here’s the link:https://thomasadarnell.com/author/

And here’s a bit about the book … ” …. This is not simply a photography book and not a photography book by a professional photographer. This book is about an 8 year old boy, with a passion for LEGO, and a huge heart.

An 8 year old boy who read an article about a professional photographer who had taken photographs of a mini figure taking photographs for 365 days. An 8 year old boy who then asked, “Can I do that?” and then bought a mini figure camera with his own money.

An 8 year old boy who used what he had, a donated iPhone 3G, mini figure pieces already owned, and spent less than $2.00 to purchase the camera piece. So, while you won’t find photographs of the highest quality and clarity within this book, you will find love, inspiration, and the knowing that whatever you dream, whatever you want to accomplish, it CAN be done. And you will find that life is what happens between asking, “Can I do that?” and “I DID IT!”

It’s about an 8 year old boy who, with determination and fun, completed a ONE YEAR photography project from the time he was 8 years old and ending at 9 years old.”



August 19 2016:

Field trip included library day. Now up there with our other favorite library!!! Second time here and we love this place!!! Lillian was absolutely there … somehow I missed getting a picture of her! xoxo

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Another Step and Floating and Celebration and Rocks and Library

August 1 2016:

Finished another step for Thomas’ book, Biggest Little Photographer, this afternoon! Onward! Blessings abound! Our upstairs neighbor who is headed back to Montana this weekend, bought 2 books. (Sample of a photo that will be in the book)

She has been here with her son attending a specialty school (right behind us) for those with neurologic conditions similar to autism. They should be back in December to resume school.

Thank you to everyone who continues to share, like, comment, and pre-order the book. We overflow with gratitude! xoxo

Biggest #174 - 4 page

August 2 2016:

There are times when a swim feels amazing and then there are times like today. Those times when all that exists is you and the water with an indescribably peaceful feeling …. Floating and feeling the water against ones skin. Today has been weird. This was a blessing in the weirdness! xoxo


August 3 2016:

Team TLC made a celebratory giant almond flour cocoa brownie this afternoon. Celebrating the first step taken today towards a Team TLC dream. xoxoxo



August 5 2016:

Went to get in bed last night and saw someone beat me to it! So blessed that Thomas keeps me smiling! I knew he was giggling for some reason!



August 5 2016:

It’s a great day to mail two of Thomas’ painted rocks and a great day to deliver the two peacock rocks I painted!! I love LOVE!!! Thanks tons for supporting Team TLC!! xoxo



August 5 2016:

It was library day for Team TLC. We have wanted to visit this library for years! Today was the day! We will return as we loved it!

Thomas and Lillian had a great time and Thomas said he never wanted to leave. Beautiful drive up and back down Mt Rose.

“To open a book, is to discover another world. To read a book is to explore new worlds.” ~me

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The drive back home …. My hair was blowing in Thomas’ mouth! HA! He can make some crazy faces!! Lake Tahoe is incredibly beautiful. Words and pictures simply cannot capture the grace and peace.

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Young Blood and Biggest Little Photographer

September 26 2016:

This Friday, September 30th, Thomas will be a part of the Young Blood pop-up exhibit at The Holland Project from 6 – 8 pm. This is an exhibit showcasing young artists under 21 years old. Come see us if you can make it by!!

He’ll be showcasing two of the photographs from The Biggest Little Photographer AND you can pre-order at the show! We are trying, trying to have the book ready for the October 8th Kids Business Fair! So those who have previously pre-ordered will get your books soon!!



September 28 2016:

This afternoon we dropped by Pixels & Ink to pick up these two prints for the Young Blood exhibit. They are 10 X 10 and look AMAZING!!

Come by and see Thomas this Friday from 6-8 pm at The Holland Project … You can also purchase Thomas’ book, “Biggest Little Photographer”, for the LEGO enthusiast in your life!

I was asking Hunter at Pixels & Ink about cheaper options (other than mounting on foam board) for the exhibition. We are also having him scan Lillian’s latest abstract art so that she can sell prints at the Business Fair on the 8th.

Before we left, Hunter offered to donate the mounting on foam board!!! We are so grateful to Hunter and Pixels & Ink! This was our first time using the business. We will not be using any other place now!

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September 29 2016:

Just back from getting Thomas’ photographs displayed. What a unique experience for Thomas!! Thanks again to Pixels & Ink for the quick and beautiful prints and for donating the mounting!!! xoxoxo

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September 30 2016:

To celebrate Thomas’ debut tonight showing two photographs from his book, Biggest Little Photographer, he’s got a special offer for anyone who pre-purchases a book this weekend.

You have two choices:

1) Buy 1 book and get a 2nd book for half price – Total $35 or

2) Buy 1 book and receive a retired mini-figure – Total $35

Here are the two photographs for tonight’s Young Blood exhibit. We should have the books in hand by mid-October! Purchases must be made by midnight (PST) Sunday (10.2).

We appreciate everyone’s support via purchasing a book, sharing, commenting, and liking!! Comment here or send a message if you’d like to purchase! xoxoxoxoxo


September 30 2016:

Thank you, thank you, thank you to Thomas’ HDMS 1st-4th grade teachers who came by tonight to support him and buy a book!!!

Ms. Nicole on the far left was his 1st-3rd grade teacher and Ms. Elyse was his 4th grade teacher. That’s some dedicated ladies!!! I love them!!

Thomas’ first experience showing art at a gallery = check!!!!

Plus!!! Plus!!! We just got the proof for the book!!!! Wahoooo!!!

It was sensory overload for Thomas, yet, he handled it good and got to experience something completely different than anything else he’s every experienced!! xoxo

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