The Soothing Medicine of Mother Nature With a Million Questions

February 16 2020:

Quick drive to Washoe Lake. Thank you Mother Nature for the soothing medicine. My entire body and soul relaxed deeply in your loving embrace.

It was a struggle to get Lillian to leave the house. It was a struggle to get her out of the car. I pray nature helped her, at least a little bit. Deeply grateful this beautiful lake is only about a 15 minute drive away. 🙏♥️♥️♥️🙏

February 20 2020:

Lillian left yesterday afternoon to spend a couple of days with The Romano Duo. A much needed break for both of us. Hope you’re having fun, Lillian!! 🎉🎉🎉

Thomas and I are just back from an hour long walk. Incredibly beautiful and peaceful …. Well, except for the million questions from Thomas.

From the moment he could talk he’s asked one question after another after another. He’s still at it. The questions have gotten harder to answer though!

When he was about 4 or 5 years old, my mom asked me how on Earth I answered all of his questions. I told her I just answered the most recent one. He literally used to ask a string of questions all at once! What a heart warming memory to have popped up! 💜💜💜

Wonderful with Beautiful Colors to Nurture and Inspire

November 12 2019:

Wonderful walk Monday afternoon.

November 14 2019:

Afternoon walk with Lillian on Tuesday. Amazing and beautiful colors.

November 15 2019:

Last solo walk around the lil lake. Thank you for nurturing my soul for 4 years. Grateful for every single walk, grateful for the poetry inspired, grateful that Team TLC had this beautiful space five minutes from our door. We’ll be back for walks here and there. Deeply grateful and incredibly excited for this new adventure we’re stepping into.

Peaceful with a Heavy Dose of Wonderful Delight

November 4 2019:

Lovely walk with Lillian this afternoon. Felt incredibly peaceful and delightful after staying in just about all weekend proofing the Kindle version of Words of Alchemy. It will be in its final state by end of this week.

November 6 2019:

Wonderful walk with Thomas yesterday afternoon.

Sunset and Breeze and Rain and Grateful and Sharing Love

July 24 2017:

Team TLC sunset walk tonight! Perfect timing as it began to rain just as our walk came to an end. We went back out and played in the rain though! Walks, sunset, breeze, and rain ….. Incredibly grateful. xoxo

Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 7.24.17 #1 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 7.24.17 #2 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 7.24.17 #3 Sunset Walk Vintage Lake 7.24.17 #4

July 26 2017:

Morning walk at the Galena Creek Visitor Center. Amazing beauty and peace, along with wonderful tree companions.

So incredibly grateful to Nature for the peace she brings amongst uncertainty and times of not knowing. This is the hugest and biggest surrender, letting go, and not knowing to date. xoxoxo

Solo Walk Galena Creek Visitor Center 7.26.17 #1 Solo Walk Galena Creek Visitor Center 7.26.17 #2 Solo Walk Galena Creek Visitor Center 7.26.17 #3 Solo Walk Galena Creek Visitor Center 7.26.17 #4

July 27 2017:

A swim underneath an amazing moon was just the thing. Thank you water and moon! xoxo

July 28 2017:

Sunset walk with Thomas last night. Such a heart filled walk with this wonderful young man I get to share this life’s journey with as mother and son.

We fed the ducks along with a few wee ducklings and took our time. Afterwards we sat for a while on the lodge patio talking about movies. Then we came home, got Lillian, and went for a moonlit swim.

It was so much more than that. The walk, feeding ducks, sitting, and chatting, and swimming …. We were connecting and sharing love. I know we are both grateful for that and for Mother Nature. xoxo

Sunset Walk with Thomas Vintage 7.28.17 #1 Sunset Walk with Thomas Vintage 7.28.17 #2 Sunset Walk with Thomas Vintage 7.28.17 #3 Sunset Walk with Thomas Vintage 7.28.17 #4

Sunset and Waves and Water and Breeze and Pelicans and Cormorants and Chipmunk and Tree

July 2 2017:

Sunset walk at Washoe Lake tonight. Wow! There’s no beach. Just WOW!

As we were driving I mentioned how badly I wanted to take them to an ocean beach. What a surprise when we arrived! Wave after wave just like an ocean beach! It felt absolutely incredible.

Thank you SO much. And bring us more please.

Washoe Lake Sunset Walk Team TLC 7.2.17 #12 Washoe Lake Sunset Walk Team TLC 7.2.17 #11 Washoe Lake Sunset Walk Team TLC 7.2.17 #10 Washoe Lake Sunset Walk Team TLC 7.2.17 #9 Washoe Lake Sunset Walk Team TLC 7.2.17 #8 Washoe Lake Sunset Walk Team TLC 7.2.17 #7 Washoe Lake Sunset Walk Team TLC 7.2.17 #6 Washoe Lake Sunset Walk Team TLC 7.2.17 #5 Washoe Lake Sunset Walk Team TLC 7.2.17 #4 Washoe Lake Sunset Walk Team TLC 7.2.17 #3 Washoe Lake Sunset Walk Team TLC 7.2.17 #2 Washoe Lake Sunset Walk Team TLC 7.2.17 #1

July 3 2017:

First day of Water Camp for Thomas. We are incredibly grateful to Great Basin Institute for the scholarship! Doing it again on Wednesday! xoxoxo

Thomas Water Camp 7.3.17

July 3 2017:

Sunset walk with Lillian tonight. Shade from the trees, beautiful water, light breeze …. What a Wonderful World … xoxo

Sunset Walk with Lillian 7.3.17 #1 Sunset Walk with Lillian 7.3.17 #2 Sunset Walk with Lillian 7.3.17 #3 Sunset Walk with Lillian 7.3.17 #4 Sunset Walk with Lillian 7.3.17 #5

July 4 2017:

The morning of July 4th brought the return of the pelicans and their wisdom to the little lake.

Good reminders on this Independence Day … Freedom from the ego, letting emotions float through, and the ability to return from extinction. Wonderful …. xoxo ….

Cormorant wisdom visited too! I just adore these creatures. They are so graceful. Cormorants brought wisdom of patience and use of the sun as a healing agent. xoxo

Solo Walk 7.4.17 #1 Solo Walk 7.4.17 #2 Solo Walk 7.4.17 #3

July 5 2017:

Took my morning walk in the forest this time. After dropping Thomas at camp, had some me time.

Oh my yummy! Plus, that’s some darn ice cold water! My feet were resisting after I initially plunged them into it.

This is the kind of walk that lets you know just how out of shape ones body has gotten. Lots of chipmunk wisdom reminding me that I have the ability to see the light and the shadows, the ability to carry spiritual nourishment with me, and I have mobility.

Incredibly grateful to Mother Nature. What a blessing. Spent a few minutes with the amazing tree near the end of the pictures. Mr. Tree gracefully soaked in and transmuted some unlovely feelings. Whew!!!

Now for a quick swim with Lillian before a busy busy rest of the day.

Solo Walk Galena Creek Marilyn's Pond 7.5.17 #1 Solo Walk Galena Creek Marilyn's Pond 7.5.17 #2 Solo Walk Galena Creek Marilyn's Pond 7.5.17 #3 Solo Walk Galena Creek Marilyn's Pond 7.5.17 #4 Solo Walk Galena Creek Marilyn's Pond 7.5.17 #5 Solo Walk Galena Creek Marilyn's Pond 7.5.17 #6 Solo Walk Galena Creek Marilyn's Pond 7.5.17 #7 Solo Walk Galena Creek Marilyn's Pond 7.5.17 #8


Sun and Shadows and Magical and Bissful and Refreshing and Treasures

June 4 2017:

Sunset walk with Lillian. Playing with the sun and shadows. xoxo

Lillian and Camilla Walk Vintage Lake 6.4.17 #9 Lillian and Camilla Walk Vintage Lake 6.4.17 #8 Lillian and Camilla Walk Vintage Lake 6.4.17 #7 Lillian and Camilla Walk Vintage Lake 6.4.17 #6 Lillian and Camilla Walk Vintage Lake 6.4.17 #5 Lillian and Camilla Walk Vintage Lake 6.4.17 #4 Lillian and Camilla Walk Vintage Lake 6.4.17 #3 Lillian and Camilla Walk Vintage Lake 6.4.17 #2 Lillian and Camilla Walk Vintage Lake 6.4.17 #1

June 5 2017:

Another wonderful sunset walk with Lillian. Magical sun and clouds captured our attention this time …. xoxo

Sunset Walk with Lillian Vintage 6.5.17 #4 Sunset Walk with Lillian Vintage 6.5.17 #3 Sunset Walk with Lillian Vintage 6.5.17 #2 Sunset Walk with Lillian Vintage 6.5.17 #1

June 7 2017:

Cloudy sunset walk with Thomas … Felt so good and cool …. refreshing.

Sunset Walk with Thomas Vintage Lake 6.7.17 #4 Sunset Walk with Thomas Vintage Lake 6.7.17 #3 Sunset Walk with Thomas Vintage Lake 6.7.17 #2 Sunset Walk with Thomas Vintage Lake 6.7.17 #1

June 9 2017:

One wonderful thing about our morning weather …. The beautiful pool all to myself for a blissful, refreshing, and invigorating swim. Thank you. And bring me more please. xoxo

Solo Swim 6.9.17 #3 Solo Swim 6.9.17 #2 Solo Swim 6.9.17 #1

June 9 2017:

Treasures from this mornings walk. Bunches of love … xoxo ….

Solo Walk 6.9.17 #3 Solo Walk 6.9.17 #2 Solo Walk 6.9.17 #1

Beauty and Heavenly and Hugging and Incredibly Beautiful

May 30 2017:

Such a beauty …. and smells oh so heavenly. This cutie has a heart shaped petal plus she’s hugging herself! You go! ….. from a walk yesterday. xoxoxo

Pink Rose Hugging Itself 5.30.17

June 2 2017:

Sunset walk yesterday. Incredibly beautiful. Grateful to nature as there was complaining and grumpiness along the way. Nature is amazing at absorbing and transmuting. xoxoxo

Team TLC Walk Vintage Lake 6.2.7 #5 Team TLC Walk Vintage Lake 6.2.7 #4 Team TLC Walk Vintage Lake 6.2.7 #3 Team TLC Walk Vintage Lake 6.2.7 #2 Team TLC Walk Vintage Lake 6.2.7 #1

Tennis and Snack and Walking and Soothing

April 4 2017:

Thomas and I did our walk different today. Hit tennis balls, then sat in the shade for yummy sour dough bread and grapes. Then a walk around the soccer field. xoxo

Tennis and Walk with Thomas Virginia Foothills Park #3 Tennis and Walk with Thomas Virginia Foothills Park #2 Tennis and Walk with Thomas Virginia Foothills Park #1

April 5 2017:

Team TLC walk at Wilbur May Arboretum today. Being outdoors with these two is like a healing ointment that soothes the sore spots.

There was some heavy duty rubbing of one another’s thorns just before heading out for our walk. Nature is wonderful at bringing everyone back to center.

Wilbur May Team TLC Walk 4.5.17 #5 Wilbur May Team TLC Walk 4.5.17 #4 Wilbur May Team TLC Walk 4.5.17 #3 Wilbur May Team TLC Walk 4.5.17 #2Team TLC Walk Ranch San Rafael 4.5.17 #11 Wilbur May Team TLC Walk 4.5.17 #1Wilbur May Team TLC Walk 4.5.17 #10Wilbur May Team TLC Walk 4.5.17 #9Wilbur May Team TLC Walk 4.5.17 #8Wilbur May Team TLC Walk 4.5.17 #7Wilbur May Team TLC Walk 4.5.17 #6Team TLC Walk Ranch San Rafael 4.5.17 #20Team TLC Walk Ranch San Rafael 4.5.17 #19Team TLC Walk Ranch San Rafael 4.5.17 #18Team TLC Walk Ranch San Rafael 4.5.17 #17Team TLC Walk Ranch San Rafael 4.5.17 #17Team TLC Walk Ranch San Rafael 4.5.17 #16Team TLC Walk Ranch San Rafael 4.5.17 #15Team TLC Walk Ranch San Rafael 4.5.17 #15Team TLC Walk Ranch San Rafael 4.5.17 #14Team TLC Walk Ranch San Rafael 4.5.17 #13Team TLC Walk Ranch San Rafael 4.5.17 #12


One Way We Use The Gift of Nature


February 9 2016:

“I think, Lillian worries, Camilla just is.” – Thomas wisdom shared last night as we were reading in my bed before going to sleep …

He had a rough day yesterday. He made a choice at school that caused an un-lovely consequence.

On the ride home I let him know he could not use his digital time as he overused it in the morning. By the time we got home he was in much distress. He had a full blown meltdown when he got home and I knew we needed to go for a walk.

I shared how unhealthy it is to not let oneself feel and experience anger and other negative emotions. That we must find that place where we can let ourself feel it physically, being with it, and without hooking into the story of the negative emotion; which can cause us to be harsh with others.

Nature is a wonderful guide during times like these, times when we resist feeling the rawness of life. About an hour after our walk Thomas had settled into acceptance and we had a great night. May you take advantage of the gift of nature when needed. xoxo

Walk with Thomas Vintage Lake 2.19.16