June 22 2014:
Team TLC movie night – “Happy”
What makes you happy? Where does happiness come from?
April 21 2012:
“I’m so happy, I can’t stop my smile!” -Thomas Darnell
February 1 2017:
Last night was a bingo kinda night. We like to play blackout!!! So fun!!!
February 3 2017:
Finally!! Thomas‘ birthday present of a subscription to National Geographic has arrived! Yay!!
February 4 2017:
Yesterday was my last day walking Happy. It’s not a good idea to try and take his picture when he knows you have treats for him!! HA! He was incredibly excited!
I didn’t realize there was going to be such intense sadness within me last night. I’ve been walking him since September and his name has deep and significant meaning. That’s a blog post in and of itself regarding his name; which connects with an event from 2014.
After journal writing this morning, feeling much more balanced!! YAY!!
Happy trails to you Happy!! It’s been a blessing!! xoxo
P.S.: Dog walking gig. Happy and his human companion, Debbie, have been here temporarily. Debbie was on a five month consulting job and needed someone to walk Happy during the day and dog sit when she was out of town. That was ME! They head back home to Florida this morning.
They have been a blessing to us financially and with their kindness. And, Debbie says I have been a blessing them. Happy did get sick while they were here. Had a brain tumor removed at UC Davis. So … he’s kind of been a special needs doggie! He is recovering nicely.
February 5, 2012, Sunday, Happiness is:
Thomas and Lillian playing together.
A clean house.
Pepperoni Pizza.
Family reading night.
My comfy cozy bed.
February 6, 2012, Monday, Happiness is:
Support and love from friends I’ve never met in person.
Thomas having a good day at kindergarten.
A visit from Mom and Frank.
A pantry and fridge full of good, healthy food.
February 7, 2012, Tuesday, Happiness is:
Reaching goals.
Encouragement from friends.
Dinner out with Momma and Frank.
February 8, 2012, Wednesday, Happiness is:
A full tummy.
Lillian’s happiness.
Thomas snuggles.
Thomas having a good time with and getting along with his Dad.
Gas in the car.
Time spent with special friends.
February 9, 2012, Thursday, Happiness is:
Thomas having a good day at kindergarten.
Date Day with Lillian.
Having Momma and Frank here for a visit.
February 10, 2012, Friday, Happiness is:
A roof over our heads.
Food in our fridge and pantry.
A few extra rolls of toilet paper.
A very good car in excellent condition.
Thomas and Lillian playing in the park.
Nature and her beauty.
February 11, 2012, Saturday, Happiness is:
Lillian’s excitement about spending two weeks with The Romanos.
Alone time with Thomas.
Library day with Thomas.
Seeing Thomas so absorbed in a book, he does not stop until he has read the entire book (even if it takes an hour or two).
Happiness is kind people. Happiness is the man in Walmart who directed Thomas and I to a shorter line. I was not in a hurry and Thomas and I were happily talking to one another and being patient. Then the kind man in front of us asked us to go ahead of him. AND, then when I turned to thank him once again, he smiled and blessed me. Happiness is kind people and being kind to others spreads happiness.
Dinner with just my Thomas tonight.
Toasting with Thomas over dinner.
Thomas’ toasts to Lillian making it to Vegas, to Lillian having fun in Vegas, to our yummy dinner and to our exciting and fun day together.
Movie night with just my little man tonight!
January 22, 2012, Sunday, Happiness is:
Thomas and Lillian sleeping later than usual.
My nice, warm and cozy bed.
Eatin’ grits with Thomas.
Boiled peanuts.
Going for a walk with Thomas and Lillian.
A warm home to return to after a cold and windy walk.
The love all three of us have for reading and books.
January 23, 2012, Monday, Happiness is:
Touching Thomas’s soft face.
Tickling Lillian.
Laying next to Thomas and Lillian on my bed while we are reading.
Watching Thomas play in the mud.
Filming Thomas make a “movie”.
My electric blanket and heating mattress bed.
Justine Reyes of Take 2 Performers Studio.
A full belly!
January 24, 2012, Tuesday, Happiness is:
Hot black coffee.
Knowing that Thomas’ rough moments will soon turn into moments that he learned something.
Being in the library.
Being Kind.
Jumping into Thomas and Lillian’s world and their imagination.
January 25, 2012, Wednesday, Happiness is:
Feeling the sun.
Being uplifted by the joy from Thomas and Lillian.
A clean, uncluttered house.
January 26, 2012, Thursday, Happiness is:
Hanging out with girlfriends, drinking wine and eating GOOD food.
Learning about healthy alternatives.
Coming around the corner to find Thomas laying on the floor engrossed in a book.
The ability to smell.
Hugs, smiles and laughs with friends.
Thoughtful and kind people.
January 27, 2012, Friday, Happiness is:
Lillian laying on the couch in my office and reading her books while I work.
Picking up a very happy Thomas from school.
Watching Thomas play with his friends.
Complimenting others.
Spreading smiles.
Helping Thomas and Lillian make choices.
The view from our backyard.
January 28, 2012, Saturday, Happiness is:
Working on my book.
Adding content to our Team TLC website.
Helping Thomas and Lillian with each of their blogs.
Adding content to my blog.
Bacon and scrambled eggs.
Adventures with Thomas and Lillian.
The peace and joy nature give to me.
Seeing the breathtaking beauty and gift of nature.
Thomas and Lillian realizing how special, important and unique they each are.
Watching a GREAT movie with Thomas and Lillian.
Eating popcorn with Thomas.
“Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be.” -Groucho Marx
I get to choose to be happy today . . . bring it on! –Camilla
January 8, 2012, Sunday, Happiness is:
Volcano eruption experiments with Thomas.
Being comfy in our house with Thomas and Lillian.
Going to the park with Thomas and Lillian.
Being a part of Thomas and Lillian’s “skill” of living in the present moment.
Hearing my kids tell me how good dinner is and asking if we can have this same meal every night!
Family reading night with Thomas and Lillian – pure bliss . . .
Monday, January 9, 2012, Happiness is:
To be honest I didn’t want to write my happiness log for tonight. I’ve had a really funky day. Thomas had a rough day too which added to my funky day! 😉 The first day back at school after a break is hard for him. But I know after I write this I will go to bed much lighter and “happier”!
Watching Thomas play at the park and make friends with kids he has just met.
Cooking dinner with Thomas and Lillian.
Sitting on the couch with each of my kids snuggled beside me and reading a book to them.
Support and cheering from my friends.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012, Happiness is:
Being a part of Thomas’s excitement about riding the bus to school.
Knowing that Thomas had a GOOD day at school.
The energy at Advanced Pediatric Therapies {where Lillian receives ST, OT and PT).
Kindness from people you’ve just met.
How happy Lillian is when I pick her up from therapies.
Lillian reading a book after dinner while Thomas and I put together one of his Lego sets.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012, Happiness is:
Thomas asking me to snuggle next to him in bed.
Doing good things.
Spending time with awesome, fabulous friends.
Realizing the power of our attitudes and thoughts.
Thursday, January 12, 2012, Happiness is:
The sparkle in Lillian’s eyes when she’s excited and happy.
Hearing Thomas laugh in his sleep.
Kind and loving words spoken by friends.
Thomas and Lillian sitting beside my desk “helping” me work.
Thomas’s gushing compliments about something as simple as macaroni and cheese.
My warm comfy bed.
Friday, January 13, 2012, Happiness is:
Being connected to others.
A glass of ice cold almond milk.
A bowl of popcorn.
A hot shower.
Saturday, January 14, 2012, Happiness is:
Thomas declaring today a “Stay Home Day”.
Being on the receiving end of Thomas and Lillian’s comments and questions . . . most times ;-).
Trips in the car with Lillian and Thomas.
This gallery contains 10 photos.
Spent a couple of hours creating our vision boards then went for a GREAT walk. Played in the clouds and on the slides at the Damonte Ranch park. What an awesome, peace and joy infusing time we had! Team TLC … Continue reading