PDF Proof – Where Would You Fly

December 1 2017:

Guess what? We received the PDF Proof to review this afternoon! I know what I’ll be doing all weekend! And … I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else!

I am super excited for Lillian Darnell!! I AM So Excited and Overflowing with Gratitude ….. xoxo

Where Would You Fly Updated Cover 9.2017 #2

**Are you interested in helping us reach the goal of 50 pre-sold books? We have sold 15 so far! This will help pull us through the final stretch of bringing the book to life. Go here if interested … https://www.LillianDarnell.com/author … Oceans of gratitude!

We Cannot Control Others Responses to Our Acts Of Kindness


October 22 2013:

My words to Thomas as we had our nightly pre-bed time chat ..

“We cannot control what people do with kindness once we share it with them. If we use our time thinking and wondering why they responded in a certain way or why they weren’t honest with us, we have missed the opportunity to enjoy those moments and will never get them back. I told him I know this is a hard one as I still struggle with remembering this at times too. Told him how much I loved him and that I don’t want him to EVER forget how awesome he is” ….

Fairy Princess Lillian had a melt down tonight. After that, Thomas was trying to be helpful. He took Lillian’s pillows off her bed for her and stacked them so beautifully at the foot of her bed … just like she does. She has some kind of singing ritual she does when taking them off and he didn’t do that part. She was upset with him and he was sad that she didn’t appreciate his help.

I gave Lillian a suggestion for handling the situation differently next time. Suggested she thank Thomas for his help and after he had gone to bed she could re-do the pillow removing ritual. She understood. Poor sweet girl was just tired and those darn missing chromosomes have her lacking in the coping area of life some times …

I’m just so blessed and grateful I get to have these two in my life to learn from and teach and to be a mirror for one another when we need it! xoxo

Amazing and Inspiring and First Blurb and Editing is Finished

October 21 2017:

Do you know how amazing and inspiring it is to be reading imaginative, creative, fictional accounts of your young daughter’s life, written by her?

Lessons she’s learned and emotions she has experienced with the wisdom words you have shared woven throughout? WOW and just, WOW! xoxo

October 22 2017:

We received our first “Yes” for a blurb for the back cover! YAY!!

And ….. The editing is finished!!

Where Would You Fly Updated Cover 9.2017 #2


The Key of Alchemy by Camilla Downs

Sun Rays with Poem 2017

“The Key of Alchemy”

When ignored,
the darkness within
slowly erodes this physical body
When stuffed and buried deep within,
it silently grows stronger.

At some point along the path
and at many times,
the darkness surfaces.
Like a bullet train
or ever so slowly as a tortoise.
It will not be denied.

Keep turning our hearts away, we can.
Yet, the darkness will not depart
until it has space to be recognized.

The darkness, the shadows
only wish and pine for this space.
To be seen and accepted and felt
with compassion and deep love.

As the darkness is wrapped
in a loving embrace,
the transformation begins.

Acceptance, compassion and love,
serve to alchemize the darkness and shadows.
Transforming and melting the darkness
into the light.

The darkness may transform like a
freight train or may ever so slowly
transform as a tortoise.
Yet, it will transform when met
with love and compassion.

The irritation,
The anger,
The loneliness,
The despair,
The confusion.
Surface as they rub
the darkness within.
These feelings and emotions are the
key that allow an
opportunity to free oneself
from the suffering of denying
the darkness.

Freedom to live
consciously and authentically
is the gift this Key bears.

Oh, glory be,
the Key of Alchemy.
-2017, Camilla Downs, Lessons from Nature

Throwback – Lillian Darnell Turns Twelve


September 17 2013:

Lillian’s Birthday was this past Saturday, 9.14 …. Happy Happy Happy 12th Birthday to an incredibly amazing and awesome Fairy Princess by the name of Lillian Paige Darnell. I am blessed to eternity to get to be your Mama and to have your magical presence in my life. You are PERFECT just as you were created and were created that way on purpose and for a reason.

It is crystal clear why you and I were paired together as Mother and Daughter. We have much that we have taught one another and will continue to teach each other. We had and still have some wild and crazy shifting and awakening to guide each other through …

I overflow with gratitude and HappYness that I get to dance the dance of life with YOU!! Rock on with your twelfth year of life in this beautiful and amazing world we get to call HOME!! I LOVE YOU LILLIAN!!!

Happy 12th Birthday Lillian Photo

How to be a Peaceful Parent

January 7 2017:

Top 10 Countdown Continues! The Number FIVE 2016 CamillaDowns.com blog post with the most views: “The Power and Magic of Connected Parenting” ……. xoxoxoxoxo ……

The Power and Magic of Connected Parenting

from the article … “Ever since Thomas was 1 year old we have been going to the library every 2 or 3 weeks. We live as a team rather than a dictatorship. Mostly, I am the team leader, yet I give them many opportunities to lead. We have letting go burning ceremonies every quarter.

We continually talk about why we are here, what are our goals, how are we doing personally and as a family, we make gratitude lists, create yearly vision boards for each of us and one as a family, write “compliment” notes for each other, and we openly discuss and practice mindfulness and emotional connection. We are not typical … and we like it ….. “

“Most people see what is, and never see what can be.” -Albert Einstein

The 2016 Chromosome 18 Conference: The Alamo

Thomas says I’m delirious. I was just going through the pictures I took at The Alamo … Laughing so hard that my stomach hurt. Who goes to visit The Alamo and takes one picture of the building and 20 of the oak trees and flowers? That would be me. I seriously didn’t realize I’d done that until now. Thomas is right. I’m deliriously in love with nature and taking pictures of her grace and beauty.

As I was beginning to pack the car Thursday morning, Thomas asked if we were going to see The Alamo before we left as it is on his list of places to visit. At first I told him we needed to get going and wouldn’t be able to do it this trip.

I changed my mind and said, “Yes, let’s do it.” He and I walked over while Lillian was finishing breakfast and getting dressed. It was only about a 5-7 minute walk from the hotel.

I’m incredibly grateful I listened to my heart. As we made the 3 day drive home, I asked each of them their most memorable moments. One of Thomas’ was seeing The Alamo ….

Beginning pictures with this amazing 140+ year old oak tree that was transplanted to the Alamo when it was a wee 40 years old! The main branches are over 50 feet long! I could have hung out with this tree all day! AMAZING!!!!

I didn’t realize it until looking at the pictures on Friday, but I only took ONE picture of the building. All the rest are of the walk there and the nature surrounding and within The Alamo. May you enjoy this view of The Alamo. xoxo

Bird Language and Tea and Savings and Nature and Swimming

June 8 2016:

It was my choice for family activity tonight. My favorite part was what I chose to close with … We visited the Bird Language website from a book I’m reading and listened to all the different songs and variations of many different birds to see which we recognized …. Cuddled on the couch with Thomas sitting behind me and Lillian sitting beside me … Thank you and I’ll have more please. xoxo

June 9 2016:

And just when you think you have nothing left to purge, you remember about a few more items …. So long 21 piece tea set. I’ve enjoyed your beauty tremendously.

Ever since you chose me to come home with from England 16 years ago. You certainly get around! Safe travels to Franklin, Tennessee and may you enjoy your new home!!

June 9 2013

He’s been wanting me to take him to open a savings account …. For months! Done!!!!! He got to sign his name. Apparently that’s a big deal!! He was so excited.

June 10 2016:

Thomas has been asking and asking me to finish this post for him and share it. Done!! A Leaf at Sunset and a Nature Box set and Pre-Ordering The Grand Adventure of the Biggest Little Photographer book! His creativity and imagination are inspiring!

Today was library day!! But first, they went for a swim.

Two moments of life lived while reaching goals and realizing dreams. xoxo

Thomas & Lillian at Pool June 10 2016