I Can Do Anything

November 6 2016:

I was drawn to watch this short 3 minute video just now. Although I have moved on from some of the roles and advocacy from this time in my life, this served as a reminder for me in this moment.

This is the video journey that accompanies the book I wrote and published in 2012, D iz for Different – One Woman’s Journey to Acceptance.

I CAN do anything I decide and choose I’m going to do ….. AND …. so can YOU! And it will be a success as long as we do it from love and with love. LOVE will free us all … xoxo

Mr. Happy is a Blessing

November 2 2016:

What a blessing Mr. Happy and his human companion, Debbie, are to us! It has just been the perfect pairing! xoxo

“I am here working on a 4 month consulting job and have my dog, Happy, with me. I needed a loving person to take Happy outside for a potty break around noon time every weekday and to dog sit when I am out of town. What a treasure to find Camilla living in the same community. She is a blessing. I highly recommend her and Team TLC to help out with your special pet family member! -Debbie, Building #17

Do you need help with your to do list or someone to walk your 4 legged family member? Let us know! Go here to learn more … https://theteamtlc.com/team-tlc-errand-services/


Catching Leaves and Wind and Shadows and Speak to Me

October 23 2016:

Beautiful walk with Thomas and Lillian this afternoon. We stopped for a while and caught the leaves as the wind blew them from the trees. Pure love. xoxo

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October 25 2016:

On our windy and chilly walk this afternoon, we paused for Lillian to share her thoughts on why the wind blows ….. xoxo


Afternoon walk with Lillian today. Windy and chilly and so beautiful!! We noticed how some of the trees are almost completely bare.

The color contrasts are mesmerizing. And, not to be forgotten, we looked at and played with our shadows 55 times in 33 different locations. 😉 ….. Our walks inspire me …. xoxo

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October 26 2016:

Natures gifts this beautiful morning …. glorious trees. How I love thee ….. Thank you. And we’ll have more please. xoxo

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October 27 2016:

More beautiful gifts from nature on my morning walk. A walk in hugely gusty winds. A walk which prompted me to say out loud, “Okay. Here I am. Speak to me.”

About 5 minutes later a young lady came up behind me as I was walking away from a spot I had been standing. She was yelling “Hello” to get my attention.

We chatted about photography, the lake and the different wildlife that visit, writing, poetry, and getting out of ones own way to create from the heart.

Turns out she’s a 15 year old student at Wooster High and is currently taking a Spoken Word Poetry class. She was so excited to be talking with me.

We were practically alone out there as the weather was shifting to heavier wind and rain. She asked if I’d come speak to their class. Of course I will!

I know I am to begin speaking more so if you ask, I’ll most likely say yes! A little bit after getting home I received an email asking if I’d be willing to be a speaker on a panel next month. Of course. Yes! Thank you and I’ll have more please. xoxo



On the morning walk …. a short video of nothing …. and everything. xoxo

Walking Happy and Oktoberfest and Morse Code

October 21 2016:

Thomas and Camilla walking Happy this morning. Enjoying being Happy’s dog nanny …. as his human calls us. 💙💚🐾 …. xoxo



October 21 2016:

So fun tonight at The Vintage Oktoberfest!!!! We love where we live!! Check out the cool Polaroid picture Chrissy took of Team TLC!

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October 22 2016:

Walking Happy yesterday afternoon. As I walked past the trees this greeted me. Oh yes, Happy, we must stop a moment so I can soak it in and capture it. xoxo



October 22 2016:

Thank you Down Syndrome Network of Northern Nevada (DSNNN) for treating families to a day at the Discovery Museum! Thomas and Lillian loved it! Last visit there was summer 2015!

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Lillian’s name in morse code … via Thomas ….

Just Start Doing It and Keep Doing It

October 8 2016:


Tonight I go to bed tired and exhausted …. a blessed and good exhausted. I end this day full of gratitude. I am grateful to so many people, for so many things, and for magical and miraculous happenings over the past 3 months.

For the past 3 months I have worked on completing one task and fulfilling a promise I made to the T in our Team TLC. I have hardly “worked” on anything else.

For the past 3 weeks, I’ve helped Thomas get ready to show 2 of his photographs at the Young Blood exhibit and be prepared for the Kids Business Fair today.

I was so tired when we got home and unloaded everything, all I could do was run a hot, epsom salt bath, and slide my tired body into it. And, it was amazing. I cried tears of gratitude, joy, and knowing.

I have many stories to share via blog posts that have been patiently waiting for the completion of Biggest Little Photographer for Thomas. One being that I had no idea how I would make this happen when I made the promise to an 8 year old Thomas (10 years old now). Yet, I knew in my heart it was what I was supposed to say to him.

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When the time came to fulfill that promise, I still had no idea how I would do it. What I did know from my past experience is to just start doing it and keep doing it and it will happen.

What I also knew is that this came from my heart and nothing from one’s heart is ever the wrong thing to do. And, it ends up being not about the end result, it’s about all the “doing it” leading up to the end result.

I simply started taking steps to create a book with Thomas’ 365 day photography project. Many times not even knowing where and how my foot would land. Not knowing how to put it all together or who we would have help with final steps of making it into a book.

I checked out a couple of books from the library to use as inspiration, looked at some books online, and just started. I did back up once and start all over, deciding to go about it differently and am so glad I did.

We aren’t completely done yet, as we’ll be having book signings around town and are available to speak as a Mom and Son duo. I will take a brief break to catch up on my own writings …. and to fix the driver’s side mirror that has been held on with duck tape since July!

Then, it’s on to fulfill a promise to the L in our Team TLC …… For now, I know what I know, what I know, what I know …. xoxoxo


Disagreeable Moments and Egrets and Crazy Beautiful Clouds and Birds

September 18 2016:

If sibling relationships were always loving and kind, would we know this as a loving and kind relationship? Or must we experience the disagreeable and unkind moments to know how to have a loving and kind relationship?

A day of blaring contrasts for these two. In the present moment perspective, I choose to see it as a day of learning for them. Yet, from the perspective of my past experiences, I struggle with being around arguing and disagreements. Whew!! What a day!!

Went for an after dinner walk so nature could lend a hand! Taking pictures of nature always lifts my spirits. xoxo

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September 20 2016:

Wonderful walk this morning. The egrets seem to be loving it here.

Plus!! I’m so excited! The blue billed ducks have returned!! They are my favorite. I can’t seem to get a photo of them with my phone. Need something a bit fancier.

I’ve experienced kundalini yoga the past 2 days and I love, love, love it. Absolutely amazing!!!



September 20 2016:

Crazy beautiful clouds on the walk with Thomas tonight. Lovely breeze, great clouds, and gorgeous trees … Yes, thank you. Love! xoxo

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September 22 2016:

From our walk last night …. Mind the strong wind!! WOW!!! Plus, my phone went dead before Lillian finished.

The rest …. Then she would find a mate, build a nest, lay lots of beautiful eggs, and teach the baby birds to fly.

You gotta watch it to hear the question and beginning of her answer. xoxo


September 23 2016:

Heaven to the ears and soul on my morning walk today …. You go birds, you go!

The Place Where Knowledge is Shelved

September 16 2016:

Today was that day.

The day we travel beyond this city, this state, this country, beyond our wildest dreams, back to the past, into the future, to make believe worlds, to real life, to the mystical, spiritual, to the Angels, to the fairies, to the depths of the sea, and beyond the stars.

The library. The place where knowledge is shelved, someone else’s imagination can be checked out, and dreams come true. xoxo

Taking Pictures and Jumping and Eating Grapes and Walking in the Rain

September 13 2016:

This opened my heart. So blessed and loved that we went for our after dinner walk in this spot and at this time.

All 3 of us took tons of pictures, had a ball jumping on the hill for pictures, eating grapes straight from the vine, and ended by walking in pouring down rain and strong wind!! Check out the moon on a stick!!

Thomas said he wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else. Now we are going to bake a chocolate cake and make cream cheese frosting for Lillian’s birthday cake tomorrow. We may just eat a piece tonight!